Saturn: The Key Karmic Challenge in the Horoscope

Printed in the  Summer 2021  issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Grasse, Ray"Saturn: The Key Karmic Challenge in the Horoscope " Quest 108:3, pg 30-39

By Ray Grasse 

raygrasseMore years ago than I care to remember, I heard a visiting astrologer make the offhand comment that Saturn’s placement in the horoscope indicates the location of one’s key karmic challenge in this lifetime.

If reincarnation is real, as I personally believe it to be, I think it’s probable that several other factors in the horoscope also relate to karma—Pluto, the twelfth house, the nodes of the moon, one’s closest hard aspect, and still others. For that matter, the entire horoscope is likely karmic insofar as it has all resulted to one extent or another from momentums set into motion over many lives.

But having thought about that astrologer’s comment quite a bit since first hearing it, I’ve come to believe there is indeed something unique about Saturn as representing an especially focused symbol of one’s current life challenges. Astrologers commonly refer to Saturn as the planetary taskmaster of the horoscope, and that’s not a bad way to put it. Without question, wherever Saturn is in the chart is where fate doesn’t let you get away with your mistakes very easily!

I’d like to add a further layer of meaning: beyond simply indicating a focused point of difficulty or frustration, the placement of Saturn also signals where we can potentially achieve our greatest success and achievement in life.

There are a couple of possible reasons for that.

One is that, from a reincarnational standpoint, Saturn may show where we have the greatest reservoir of experience stored up from previous lifetimes; with that naturally comes a considerable backlog of learned skills—however slow those might seem in unfolding this time around. By analogy, think of how much longer a hundred-car freight train takes to pick up speed than one with only five or ten cars attached.

Another reason for the enormous potential contained within Saturn centers around the very difficulty and struggle that it presents to us. In other words, the enormous effort Saturn requires to deal with its problems can lead to a considerable level of mastery—what I’ve often referred to as the “late bloomer” side of Saturn. (See the essay “Saturn, the Late Bloomer” in my book Under a Sacred Sky: Essays on the Philosophy and Practice of Astrology, where I explore this slow-developing side of Saturn in relation to the planets.) As the old saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and Saturn might well be thought of as the squeaky wheel of the horoscope. But all of that heightened attention brings a heightened degree of learning and expertise as well. As the key taskmaster of the horoscope, Saturn keeps pounding away at us until we finally get things right!

Whatever your preferred explanation, I’d like to take you on a quick tour through the zodiac to see how this dual effect of Saturn can manifest in each of the signs, with a karmic look at both the negative and positive sides of this planet. 

Saturn in Aries

Negative: At their most difficult, the hard lessons of Saturn here tend to revolve around matters of assertiveness, anger, or self-centeredness. One is likely to find that fate has a way of exacting an especially heavy toll for missteps involving impulsiveness or impatience. There can also be deep-seated issues around self-confidence early on, involving one’s core sense of “me” as well as major challenges with overcoming fears. Overly competitive impulses can lead to painful consequences in the lives of these natives.

Positive: In its more evolved form, Saturn in Aries can bring a serious degree of mastery in expressing qualities of courage and accessing one’s inner warrior. Early struggles with fear or confidence can eventually transform into a capacity for leadership and considerable fearlessness when venturing onto life’s battlefields. In both positive and negative ways, this sign placement is similar in influence to that of a Saturn-Mars aspect in the horoscope.

Notable figures with this placement: As with virtually all the examples of Saturn through the various signs, the lives of famous notables often display both the positive and negative sides of its influence, frequently at different stages of their lives. A classic example is George Washington, who experienced an especially steep learning curve with regard to Saturn in Aries. While most famous for his extraordinary prestige and glory in the Revolutionary War, his younger impulsiveness led to horrific mistakes on the battlefield early on, such as skirmishes culminating in the Battle of Fort Necessity (triggering the Seven Years’ War between England and France, considered the first global conflict in history), not to mention his early defeats in the Revolutionary War. But he learned from those mistakes and went on to claim victory for the American forces. A darker exemplar of Saturn’s influence in Aries was that of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, whose iron fist brought him great wealth and power but ultimately rebounded in the form of crippling defeats and a humiliating demise.

The discipline that Saturn potentially brings to one’s warrior nature is especially obvious in the case of martial artists like Chuck Norris and Jason Stratham, as well as actress Lucy Lawless, who played the fictional warrior princess Xena on TV. Like Scorpio, Aries is associated with sexuality and desire, so Saturn’s placement here sometimes gives rise to natives known for their attractiveness and sex appeal, like Tina Turner, Pamela Anderson, Julia Roberts, Christy Turlington, Jennifer Aniston, and Natalie Wood. When that sexual energy goes off the rails, though, Saturn can bring down the hammer especially hard on its natives—as it did for disgraced comedian Bill Cosby, rapper Bobby Brown, and even actor Dustin Hoffman, whose later career was marred by accounts of early indiscretions. 

Saturn in Taurus

Negative: The most challenging lessons for these natives tend to involve materialism, security, practicality, and of course money. Insecurities over feeling unloved cause them to compensate through material acquisition or worldly achievements.

Positive: At its best, Saturn in Taurus instills a profound sensitivity to (and awareness of) nature, wealth, and materiality. When it is well-aspected, individuals with this placement have an instinctive understanding of how to survive in the real world. This position can also indicate a great builder, whether that be of physical structures, institutions, or works of art. They often have a keen sense of legacy and of the mark they want to leave on the world.

Notable figures with this placement: The Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great was born with Saturn in Taurus, and besides being an impressive builder (for example, the city of Alexandria in Egypt), he was famously driven to acquire ever greater tracts of real estate during his brief life. Orson Welles’ film Citizen Kane premiered during a major stellium (a cluster of four or more planets) in Taurus, including Saturn, that took place in 1941. It fittingly portrayed a man whose need for love drove him to amass ever more worldly possessions to fill emotional needs.

Artistically, figures like Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso showed genius in their approach towards the natural world and its forms. But whereas this placement gave Picasso a businessman’s savvy in acquiring wealth, van Gogh experienced the Saturnine influence in an ongoing struggle with scarcity and poverty. American founding father Benjamin Franklin expressed this planetary placement through his ability to innovate and invent in practical ways, while it gave scientist Stephen Hawking extraordinary insights into the natural world—in particular, gravity (a Saturnian force). Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who had this placement, was faced throughout his presidency with issues of physical hardship. He also became intensely involved with economic and banking reforms and working to lift the United States out of the Depression. Senator Bernie Sanders, born with this placement, has likewise focused enormous attention on economic reforms and battling big banks. In a quite different fashion, Mother Teresa expressed the more austere aspect of this zodiacal placement with her vows of poverty and a focus on the world’s poor.


Saturn in Gemini

Negative: The most difficult lessons here tend to revolve around issues of communication and thinking patterns. With Saturn in Gemini, the individual can not only experience a struggle with expressing and articulating ideas and feelings, but has to be especially careful with their choice of words, since misstatements or verbal gaffes can cause problems. Negative thought patterns can also lead to depression and cynicism, with a “glass is half empty” attitude towards life.

Positive: On the other hand, Saturn here can bestow a genuine talent for structuring and expressing one’s thoughts in words, whether through writing, teaching, or simply ordinary conversations. It can give rise to a deep and thoughtful mind, with an ability to put profound ideas into relatively simple terms. This placement gives a sense of discipline and an ability to focus deeply on intellectual and creative work.

Notable figures with this placement: Among the great communicators sometimes found with this placement is philosopher Alan Watts, who had an extraordinary gift for expressing profound spiritual and philosophical concepts in easy to understand terms, while singers Paul McCartney, Joni Mitchell, and Mick Jagger penned songs and lyrics which spoke to audiences the world over. Writer Franz Kafka used the dark side of Saturn in Gemini to write imaginatively about confinement, control, and anxiety.

Film director Orson Welles justly received attention not only for his brilliant cinematic works but his distinctive, deep-throated voice, displayed not just in films or theaters but in countless TV and radio commercials. On the other hand, important works like Citizen Kane and his infamous War of the Worlds broadcast of 1938 caused him major problems—the former because of its thinly veiled critique of media mogul William Randolph Hearst, the latter because the broadcast led to widespread panic over a supposed alien invasion.

Similarly, Wikileaks cofounder Julian Assange gained worldwide fame for his role in unleashing confidential government information on the Internet but suffered considerable repercussions (and confinements) because of the many high-level feathers he ruffled along the way.

Inventor and entrepreneur Elon Musk is another Saturn in Gemini native who has learned hard lessons about carefully choosing his words, such as when critical comments he made about a celebrated Filipino figure (a man who rescued young children from a cave) resulted in a high-profile lawsuit. Bobby Fischer became world-famous for his brilliance as a chess player but was ostracized for his anti-Semitic remarks. Critic and writer Roger Ebert became celebrated for his elegant and simple to understand prose (being the only film critic ever to win a Pulitzer Prize) but experienced the more challenging side of Saturn in Gemini when mouth cancer prevented him from communicating in ordinary verbal ways towards the end of his life.

Saturn in Cancer

Negative: The most painful lessons associated with this placement tend to center around matters of the family or home, as well as the emotional capacity to give or receive nurturing. This may include issues of loss in the family, contending with the weight of family legacy, or feelings of being unloved or uncared for. These individuals must guard against becoming consumed by worry and fear.

Positive: Domestic matters can become meaningful areas of experience, while ancestral legacies and family tradition can hold deep riches and rewards. Even though there may be frustrations related to nurturing or parenting, this placement can drive one to excel in those very areas through cultivating care for others.

Notable figures with this placement: Actress Angelina Jolie offers an example of both the positive and negative aspects of this energy. In a positive vein, there is her humanitarian work in Third World countries as well as her role as doting mother to a seemingly endless caravan of children. On the other hand, there is her famously turbulent relationship with actor-father Jon Voight and her even more famously turbulent marriage to (and divorce from) actor Brad Pitt. In a more artistic vein, Renaissance genius Michelangelo had this placement as well, and there’s something fitting about the fact that he was drawn to put into solid form one of history’s most famous expressions of maternal love and sorrow—the famed Pietà, a marble statue depicting the Virgin Mary lamenting her dead son, Jesus.

Many well-known figures with this placement come from families which are themselves distinctive or famous in some way, or that suffered from emotional troubles. Besides Angelina Jolie, there is Liza Minelli (whose mother was Judy Garland), Donald Trump (whose wives and children became celebrities in their own right, and whose father was also a notorious New York real estate mogul), and President George W. Bush (the son of a president). Both Kirk Douglas and son Michael Douglas were born with Saturn in Cancer, and both were famous and powerful in their own spheres, while John F. Kennedy came from one of America’s most prominent families.

At its most painful, this placement sometimes brings greater than average hardships or losses beyond garden-variety divorces or infidelities. Guitarist Eric Clapton tragically lost his four-year-old son when the child fell out of the window of a high-rise. Singer Neil Young was faced with the daunting responsibilities of raising a special-needs child; singer Dean Martin was traumatized by the early death of his son Dino in an aviation accident; Liza Minelli suffered from her mother’s turbulent life while growing up; and John F. Kennedy experienced a wide range of family tragedies, including the death of his brother Joseph Jr. during World War II, sister Rosemary undergoing a prefrontal lobotomy at age twenty-three, sister Kathleen Agnes dying in a plane crash in 1948, and most famously, wife Jacqueline suffering a miscarriage, a stillbirth, and the death of their son Patrick two days after being born.


Saturn in Leo

Negative: The hard lessons for these natives can center around matters of ego, the misuse of power, or even an unbridled quest for pleasure. At its worst, it inclines towards dictatorial tendencies, and the possibility of humiliating falls from grace involving public blows to one’s ego.

Positive: At best, the discipline and laserlike focus brought by Saturn can bring extraordinary success through the sheer application of will and the ability to crystalize creative impulses in superior ways. Like Saturn in Aries or Capricorn, this placement can indicate leadership potential.

Notable figures with this placement: The enormous creative potentials of this placement can be seen in such diverse figures as Ludwig van Beethoven, David Bowie, Steven Spielberg, Charlie Chaplin, and Elton John. The quality of raw willpower it can confer is especially obvious in the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, despite a series of daunting obstacles—an unpronounceable name, unconventional looks, and a thick accent—still managed to become successful in several different fields, including real estate, bodybuilding, acting, and politics. Likewise, Beethoven achieved his creative artistic success in the face of continued romantic frustrations and increasing deafness. Charlie Chaplin made his cinematic efforts seem almost effortless, yet as a mountain of uncovered film outtakes have since revealed, his creativity was a constant struggle, and he labored to get individual scenes right even to the extent of reshooting them repeatedly over weeks of time.

Leo is the archetypal sign of kingship and queenship, so Saturn placed here can indicate a tremendous rise to prominence but also great falls from power and respectability. Besides his creative work, Chaplin experienced scandals and criticism not only over his romantic involvements with younger women but his political views. President Bill Clinton became a powerful figure on the world stage but found himself at the center of a major scandal over his romantic missteps. Arnold Schwarzenegger may have been successful in various professional fields, but he too became involved in scandal when an affair with his child’s nanny led to a very public divorce from wife Maria Shriver.

Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII, attained royal power, but literally lost her head in the process. Adolf Hitler achieved astonishing influence on the world stage, but his hubris ultimately led to a Wagnerian downfall. Singer, rapper, and music producer Kanye West became a distinctive talent in the entertainment world but has fielded enormous criticism over the years because of his inflated ego.

Saturn in Virgo

Negative: Virgo represents the critical and analytical faculties of the soul, so natives with Saturn here must be careful not to focus too much on negativity or imperfections, whether in themselves or in the world. If not checked, this tendency can cause one to become paralyzed with worry and negativity or simply to become overwhelmed by details. On a bodily level, that analytical capacity for breaking things down can sometimes manifest in problems with digestion, the intestines, and assimilating nutrients.

Positive: At its best, this placement can confer deep insights and a profound commitment to learning and knowledge. These natives can concentrate well and can grasp the deeper meanings of books, philosophies, or life in general—“digesting life experience,” as it were. These are not shallow thinkers! While this placement can go overboard with criticism of self or others, at best it can confer modesty and humility and an impulse to be of service to one’s community and the world at large. While this placement can, when afflicted, lead to health concerns, it can also give rise to considerable expertise or authority in health-related matters.

Notable figures with this placement: Johann Sebastian Bach was born with this placement, and we see its influence not only in his breathtaking productivity and work ethic but in the intricacy of his musical compositions. The analytical side of this placement can be seen in philosophical figures like H.P. Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, and Ken Wilber, but we also see its influence in these writers’ penchant for accruing mountains of details, not to mention their occasionally hypercritical style. Actress Meryl Streep displays the extraordinary sense of precision and eye for detail in her crafting of characters for the big screen, while TV pop psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw expressed its influence through his incisive approach towards guests and their problems as well as his general focus on health, both psychological and physical.


Saturn in Libra

Negative: In this sign, the hard karmic lessons center around relationships and social interactions. There can be limiting experiences in marriage or romance, but this may also involve struggles with feeling appreciated or loved by the public. When unbalanced, this placement can lead to a painful sense of social rejection or awkwardness in interactions. One’s perception of one’s own popularity can be a major concern. Through trial and error over years or decades, one is forced to learn hard lessons about the art of compromise and social interaction.

Positive: Saturn is exalted in Libra, so the struggles that arise with this placement can eventually lead to considerable mastery of socializing and diplomacy. Since Venus is the planet associated with Libra, this placement can also give rise to formidable achievements in the arts or performing, with a keen sense of structure in creative works.

Notable figures with this placement: Rock star Sting has a Sun-Saturn conjunction in Libra. A successful singer-songwriter, he’s experienced both the ups and downs of relationships. In interviews, he’s remarked that he considers the collapse of his first marriage to be the one area where he’s failed in life, while his second marriage has seemingly been a happy and successful one. Disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein was born with Saturn in Libra, and we see both its positive and negative sides in his extraordinary success with the arts but also in crimes and misdemeanors in relationships, affairs, and several failed marriages.

Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana, experienced the positive and negative sides of this placement, having attained extraordinary popularity and wealth as a result of her marriage as well as heartache, humiliation, and rejection. The famed yogi Paramahansa Yogananda had this placement, manifesting his Saturn through prolonged austerity in relationships and a lifelong vow of celibacy. But it was also apparent in his painful legal problems with his longtime friend Dhirananda, as well as in the often negative (and frequently racist) attention he received in American newspapers, coupled with the social rejection he sometimes experienced because of his dark skin.

Novelist Jane Austen was born with Saturn in Libra, and her plots often involved matters of social commentary, exploring women’s dependency on marriage for social standing and security. Interestingly, the United States was “born” with Saturn in Libra, on July 4, 1776, but here that influence seems to have manifested through this nation’s reputation as a “nation of laws” (and of lawyers).

Saturn in Scorpio

Negative: The hard lessons for these individuals tend to center around issues of anger, manipulation, and power. Missteps in these areas are amplified exponentially and can lead to severe recriminations or regrets. Sexuality is an area of major learning for these natives. There can be festering resentments over early emotional wounds, along with tightly held secrets around lingering hurts. At its very worst, this placement can lead to vindictiveness or even cruelty, whether expressed or received.

Positive: When the intense energy of this placement is successfully harnessed, it produces an extraordinary sense of power and determination and a true mastery of the warrior spirit. When balanced and cultivated, it can also confer deep insights into the workings of sexuality, magic, and the occult.

Notable figures with this placement: In the movies, we see the warrior side of this placement in such figures as Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot, or martial arts megastar Jackie Chan. In a real-world context, that warrior energy surfaced in the life of revolutionary figures like Fidel Castro and civil rights leader Malcolm X. Tech giants Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg became notorious early in their careers for a take-no-prisoners attitude towards competitors, although that seems to have softened greatly during their later lives (some say because of the tempering influence of their wives).

As with Saturn in Aries, it’s fascinating how many celebrities with this zodiacal placement are associated with sexual charisma—Marilyn Monroe, Scarlett Johansson, Marlon Brando, Katy Perry, Richard Burton, Olivia Wilde, and Nicki Minaj, among others. But we also see problems around sexuality in some celebrities’ lives, such as Marilyn Monroe’s early abuse, Brando’s famous sexual addiction, and Oprah Winfrey’s early experience with rape. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright experienced the dark side of this placement not only through an early scandalous affair with a colleague’s wife but through the horrific murder that took place on the grounds of his Wisconsin home, Taliesin. Hugh Hefner, founder of the hugely influential Playboy empire, experienced both sides of Saturn in Scorpio, having enjoyed countless sexual escapades and great wealth as a result of a business based on sex, but also contending with numerous scandals and controversies over rape accusations, obscenity charges, and unflattering tell-all books by former lovers. Actor Mel Gibson, born with Saturn in Scorpio, became associated with films of considerable depth and dramatic power but also of startling violence, bordering on sadomasochism, torture, and cruelty. He also experienced enormous blowback in his personal life over comments uttered in moments of drunken rage, when years of repressed emotion erupted to the surface in the form of anti-Semitic comments.


Saturn in Sagittarius

Negative: The hard challenges facing these natives often center on matters of freedom and their adventurous desire to expand horizons. The deep-seated urge to run wild may be constrained by practical limitations, be those social, bodily, or legal in nature, while in some cases there can be frustrations dealing with rigidly conservative religious or political figures in their lives. For some, this placement manifests as a deep fear of taking chances—sometimes with good reason, since miscalculations in knowing their true limits can cause serious problems. There can be a powerful, and sometimes painful, struggle in the search for meaning. Dogmatism and a deep-seated need to be right can lead to serious problems. These individuals may even find themselves wrestling with their belief (or lack of it) in the existence of God.

Positive: At best, this placement can bring genuine wisdom or insight in philosophical or political matters. The very struggle with philosophical or religious ideals can even enable these figures to become respected authorities in these areas. Their concern with morality and matters of principle can lead them to crusade for justice and to become agents of change in the world.

Notable figures with this placement: Many famous figures born with this placement led lives closely involved with ideology, religion, or philosophical matters. Consider the list: Mahatma Gandhi; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Abraham Lincoln; V.I. Lenin; Charles Darwin; Osama bin Laden; Che Guevara; Gregory Rasputin; and Iranian politician Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Osama bin Laden expressed the religious side of this placement as a crusader for ultraconservative Islam, whereas Charles Darwin found himself on the receiving end of criticism from conservative religious figures over his theories of evolution (and he struggled internally with his own religious principles). Comedian and TV personality Bill Maher has expressed the more atheistic impulses of this placement with his openly contemptuous views of religion and God. My friend, Quest editor Richard Smoley, was born with Saturn in Sagittarius and is a respected authority in philosophy and religion. He even wrote an entire book on the subject of God, entitled How God Became God.

Novelist and journalist Ernest Hemingway was born with Saturn in Sagittarius and encountered blowback from conservative authorities for his “scandalous” stories. He also experienced frustrations in balancing the limitations and responsibilities of marriage with his deep-seated need for freedom. He traveled widely throughout his life, and experienced both praise and criticism for his many stories set in distant locales. But he also encountered major problems on many of those journeys, from losing manuscripts while traveling to serious injuries on the battlefield and several near-fatal plane crashes. Although his stories superficially seemed to be existentialist or even cynical in tone, there was frequently a deeper philosophical or mythic undercurrent to many of them.


Saturn in Capricorn

Negative: The painful lessons of these natives often involve the misuse of authority, the downside of raw ambition, and the negative effects of status and fame. When it is afflicted (that is, has difficult aspects with other planets), there can be painful falls from grace and a tarnished reputation.

Positive: This placement can confer an intuitive understanding of power dynamics in the real world, along with an innate talent for navigating the echelons of power. Ambition can result in enormous productivity and achievement in the world and lead to considerable respect in one’s community.

Notable individuals with this placement: Clint Eastwood was born with Saturn in Capricorn and parlayed its energies into successful careers not only in acting but in business and politics. For billionaire Warren Buffett, Saturn in Capricorn gave rise to extraordinary instincts in the business world. That intuitive grasp of how to ascend the worldly ladder is also apparent in the lives of figures like Barack Obama, Walt Disney, Tony Robbins, Simon Cowell, and Rupert Murdoch.

Princess Diana was born with Saturn in Capricorn and experienced both the positive and negative aspects of this placement, ascending to extraordinary fame but suffering equally extraordinary disgrace, both of those as a result of her marriage to Prince Charles. That extreme positive/negative polarity is visible in the lives of many other natives born with this placement, including Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, Julius Caesar, cult leader Jim Jones, and actor Kevin Spacey.


Saturn in Aquarius

Negative: Those born with Saturn in this sign encounter some of their most difficult lessons in connection with groups or communities and with learning how to integrate with society at large. At worst, there can be feelings of alienation or social rejection, as well as frustrations over issues of hierarchy amongst colleagues or even friends. There can also be major challenges in learning how to reconcile one’s conservative and progressive tendencies.

Positive: While there can be difficulties and frustrations in connection with social interactions generally, these individuals sometimes find themselves ascending to positions of great respect or authority in groups. They are often drawn to organize or manage collective enterprises, whether that be in business, political activism, or garden-variety social gatherings and parties.

Notable individuals with this placement: Amazon mogul Jeff Bezos, born with Saturn in Aquarius, serves as the leader of a global network connecting millions of people through Internet technology, while spearheading a futuristic effort to develop his own space travel company. Winston Churchill expressed both the positive and negative of this placement by becoming the respected leader of his nation, but was much criticized by political opponents.

Yoko Ono achieved lasting fame through her association with the world’s most famous musical group, the Beatles, but became widely viewed as being instrumental in their breakup. Carl Jung and magus Aleister Crowley were born with this placement in 1875, and both became influential leaders of groups while also experiencing considerable problems with associates. Painter Salvador Dali was born during Saturn’s next sojourn through this sign in 1904 and not only experienced his own share of ups and downs with groups—in particular, the Surrealists—but expressed the more scientific side of this placement in his fascination with quantum physics.

Elvis Presley was best-known as a solo performer, yet was inextricably tied to groups throughout his life, both constructively and destructively. In addition to his backup musicians and numerous fans, he was surrounded throughout his career with an assortment of undesirables and hangers-on, who contributed substantially to his unhealthy (and ultimately fatal) lifestyle. Actress Shirley MacLaine was famously associated with the celebrity Rat Pack, but experienced the downside of Saturn in Aquarius through the enormous criticism she received for her progressive, New Age beliefs. Astronomer Carl Sagan expressed both the progressive and conservative sides of this placement—on the one hand, promoting futuristic and progressive scientific or political ideas while evangelizing against New Age beliefs in books like The Demon-Haunted World. Howard Hughes was a larger-than-life visionary in both the film and aviation industries but became increasingly reclusive and agoraphobic in his later years, cutting off virtually all social ties with friends and associates.


Saturn in Pisces

Negative: There can be hard lessons for these natives around learning the proper balance between selfishness and unselfishness. The impulse to avoid or escape responsibilities can result in painful repercussions. Failure to set proper boundaries or keep one’s gullibility in check can also lead to disastrous results. There can be disillusionment in those areas of the chart where a Piscean Saturn is placed, frequently arising from unrealistic expectations. These individuals may feel that they are bearing life’s heavy burden, as though they’ve been somehow constrained by fate or obliged to pay off some heavy debt from past lives. As with Saturn in Sagittarius, there can be struggles with religion or religious figures.

Positive: The disciplining force of Saturn can help to structure the spiritual and imaginative impulses inherent in Pisces. Though there may be struggles with religious ideals and situations in life, they can lead to spiritual depth and profound insight—sometimes even enlightenment. Although this placement can indicate considerable suffering or a heavy sense of obligation, it can also give rise to deep compassion and an acute sensitivity to the suffering of others and the needs of the less fortunate. In both positive and negative ways, this sign placement is very similar to the effects of a Saturn/Neptune aspect.

Notable individuals with this placement: While the more spiritual potentials of this placement is evident in figures like the Dalai Lama or the “sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce, we also see the heavier side of this energy in the sense of obligation and suffering they have both experienced. Early on, writer J.K. Rowling experienced her share of struggles as a poor single mother, but also expressed the more creative side of Saturn in Pisces by crystallizing an entire fantasy world into the Harry Potter books and cinema, while becoming known as a humanitarian and philanthropist.

Among movie actors, Keanu Reeves was born with Saturn in Pisces and has become almost as well known for his melancholic demeanor (“sad Keanu”) as for his movie roles. Actors Anthony Hopkins and Robert Downey Jr. utilized the energy of Saturn in Pisces to craft scores of extraordinary performances on film, but both experienced the negative side of this planetary influence through their early (and fortunately, successful) struggles with alcoholism. Singer Sinead O’Connor expressed a different side of this energy when she stirred up worldwide controversy with a public crusade against the Catholic church (ruled by Pisces). She also struggled openly with emotional problems for much of her life, including contemplating suicide at times.


Saturn in the Elements

One can look to the placement of Saturn in the different elements for important insights into this planet’s workings in charts. When positioned in the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), the potential challenges and achievements brought about by Saturn tend to be more emotional in nature; in the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), they largely center around practical or worldly concerns; in the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), they’re more social and intellectual in nature; while in the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) challenges tend to involve matters of assertiveness, courage, or ego.


Ray Grasse worked on the editorial staffs of Quest Books and Quest magazine for ten years during the 1990s. He’s the author of seven books, including The Waking Dream, Under a Sacred Sky, and An Infinity of Gods. This article is excerpted from his 2020 book StarGates. His website is

Beyond Spiritual Struggle

Printed in the  Summer 2021  issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Kezwer, Glen"Beyond Spiritual Struggle " Quest 108:3, pg 13-15

By Glen Kezwer

glen kezwerSpiritual struggle: two seemingly straightforward English words, but let’s have a closer look at each of them.

Spirit: the inner existence of a human being, which cannot be touched by the fingers, seen by the eyes, heard by the ears, smelled by the nose, or tasted by the tongue. In other words, the spirit is that which cannot be perceived by any of the senses, yet is the essence of all living creatures. It makes us alive, aware, and conscious.

Struggle: proceeding towards some goal with difficulty or effort.

So spiritual struggle means the strenuous or arduous endeavor to know our true nature.

Having been personally engaged in the spiritual pursuit for four decades, I find struggle to be too strong a word: path, effort, or transformation are more in line with my personal experience. I prefer path to struggle because this quest involves a starting point—wherever we are when we decide that the spiritual goal is worth seeking—and an ending point, which could be described as oneness, enlightenment, self-actualization, or self-realization, to name a few. Not everyone reaches the enlightened state, but the path is still worth pursuing, because it brings many positive changes along the way. It is overall a joyful journey, which nurtures a life of less troubling desire, pain, and suffering and increased happiness, ease, peace, and fulfilment.

Effort is definitely involved. We cannot come to know our spirit, or essence, without using certain techniques such as meditation, the study of the human mind—both our own and others’—and the examination of our place in the world.

The path certainly includes transformation. Our thinking and understanding of who we are and the universe in which we live constantly change along the way. The path begins when we realize that the knowledge we have had up to a certain point in our lives is inadequate. As Richard Smoley puts it, spiritual development “requires that we admit the limits of our ordinary ways of seeing and being” (Smoley, 19).

Why would a person want to pursue such a goal? After all, many people spend their entire lives without undertaking such a journey. The motivation can be as simple as the desire to live a life of happiness, free from pain and suffering. It can also be something deeper, such as a yearning to explore our essential nature, but whatever the motivation, the goal is the same: knowledge of our innate spirit.

Without knowing our essence, we can never attain true happiness. I don’t mean the temporary happiness that comes from acquiring a good job, attending a child’s wedding, winning a lottery, eating a good meal, or falling in love. I am not denigrating these moments of delight. They are all important and natural parts of the life of a human being, and their pursuit is worthwhile. But in the end, both happiness and unhappiness are opposite sides of the same coin, and more importantly, they are transient. However, there does exist a state that is beyond happiness and unhappiness, sorrow and delight, freedom and bondage, in other words, beyond life’s pairs of opposites. Some would even say that the achievement of this state is the ultimate purpose of a person’s life on earth.

The goal of spirituality is to attain the knowledge of the oneness or unity of all of creation. Human beings normally perceive the world from the perspective of duality. They see themselves living in bodies that are separate from the rest of the world—and indeed the universe—which can sometimes seem unfriendly or even hostile. The Indian scripture Ashtaavakr Gita succinctly sums up this situation. Ashtaavakr, the teacher, is speaking to King Janak, his disciple:

Ordinarily, all human beings with their eyes see objects, things, and persons as different, different. You are also saying the same thing: that there is a world, very real, and there is you, the person with a body, who is separate from the world. This has created a sense, a definite, particular sense, which concerns “I” as one person and “you and the world-body” as a second person. This vision is troublesome for everyone. (Swami Shyam 2001, 14–15)

Another Indian philosophical work, Yog Vashishth, puts it differently:

Your mind is meant only for seeing forms as forms—each one separate from the other; all others separate from the one; the one and the many separate from yourself; and the one, the many, and yourself as altogether separate from the very Self. (Swami Shyam 2017, 2:160) 

For some, the spiritual journey involves cloistering themselves away from the world in a monastery or a nunnery. By shirking the world, they seek freedom from its vicissitudes in order to concentrate on contacting their inner being. While I believe firmly that people should choose whatever path is suitable for them, for most, this would be an extreme step. And can you really free yourself from bondage by removing yourself from the world?

Years ago, in India, I went with a friend to visit a temple. It is customary for temples in India to house, temporarily or on a long-term basis, renunciants, or sadhus. Sadhus are ascetics who have left the world—their possessions, job, family—and taken to wandering the country. They may be young men just starting out in life or older men who have already had a career, raised a family, and now have undertaken this path after fulfilling their worldly obligations. Whether young or old, the sadhu seeks freedom from the world. This tradition is still alive in India today, with an estimated four to five million practitioners.

My friend had two daughters, and at one point she was showing their photos to some of the sadhus. One of the men commented that she could not be free from the world and its trappings because she had a family. The only way to be free, he said, was to renounce all of that.

Her reply made sense to me: “Yes, but try having a family and being free from the world at the same time. That is the real practice.”

In my view, she was right. Any true renunciation of the pain and suffering of the world comes from renunciation of the division that occurs in the mind. The mind of a human being is where the essential work lies.

I am not saying that the ascetic path does not work for such men. The sadhu tradition is respected and has a long history, and I certainly wish them all success. However, whatever path we choose, it is the attachment in the mind that must be tackled.

Another friend, in his early days on the spiritual journey, decided that his possessions were an obstacle to his progress, so he should dispose of them. Living in Montreal, he went to the Jacques Cartier Bridge and threw many of his belongings into the St. Lawrence River. It didn’t take him long to realize that this had been a mistake, especially when he had to start buying replacements for the things he had dumped. This kind of renunciation did not work for him.

For me, real freedom comes from renouncing the idea that we are bound by the world, which we see as separate from ourselves. My experience is that the mind of a human being creates the world, so in order to be free from it, we each have to transform the working of our own minds. In deep sleep, no world exists; neither do the mind and its accompanying happiness and unhappiness. When we wake up in the morning, the mind reappears, along with the whole world that it has constructed.

The world is a source of both joy and suffering. We pursue material objects, and once we get them we feel happiness—but only temporarily. A cousin of mine had just landed a good position with a prestigious law firm. He was pleased with his new status—and of course, the income that came with it—and decided to buy himself a car commensurate with his new position in life. I can’t remember what kind of car it was, but he proudly told me that there were only 250 of them in all of southern Ontario. After two short weeks, a thief made off with the car. His object of joy had quickly been transformed into a source of pain.

I do not at all advocate giving up things or living a life of deprivation. The two people who introduced me to the spiritual path were a wealthy couple from South Africa who were not shy to show that they were well-off, yet they had devoted their lives to the spiritual quest. We don’t have to give anything up. We only have to add one thing—knowledge.

Here I am going to introduce another term for spirit: Knower. The Knower is that which knows the thoughts that come and go in the mind. Scientifically, in order for an object to be observed, a subject is necessary. The thoughts in the mind are the objects to be known, and the Knower is the subject that watches them. The Knower is always present. It is there when we are awake, when we dream, and when we sleep. It was even there before we were born and will remain after we die. It is the spiritual essence of one and all.

Many people are unconsciously aware that the Knower exists. I was once in the city of Kanpur in India, giving a talk on meditation to a group of young Rotary Club members visiting from Argentina. Their leader, Dick, a friendly, jovial man in his fifties, was fluent in English. As I spoke, I would pause every few sentences so that he could translate. Things were going smoothly—I understood enough Spanish to know that he was giving an accurate rendering of my words—until I got to the word Knower. He stopped me, saying that he did not understand. After I elaborated a bit, a light bulb lit up in his head. He raised his index finger and said excitedly, “Ah yes, I understand. El que sabe. The one who knows. I’ve intuitively known that there is such a thing as a Knower all of my life, but I’ve never before heard it expressed in words. I thank you.”

He had always had an unconscious awareness of the Knower, and the mention of it allowed him to recognize it.

Knowledge of the Knower is the ultimate destination of the spiritual path. The Knower can also be called the Witness Self, Watcher, Observer—whatever word best helps us understand it.

The mind gets us into the thought of separation, and the same mind can get us out of it. It has to be transformed and come to where oneness or true happiness lies.

Although the Knower is always present, it mostly remains hidden. The way to gain greater awareness of the Knower is through meditation. For me, the three most powerful words on the spiritual path are, “Close your eyes.” By doing so, we enter a state of oneness where there is no division. We see the world as our own being or creation and not as something separate.

In meditation, our vision is cut off. Vision is the predominant sense. It is estimated that 80 percent of sense perception is mediated through our sight. Shutting it off allows us to concentrate on our inner being, the Knower.

In meditation, we sit in a comfortable position, close our eyes, and watch. Thoughts may begin to come and go in the mind. Contrary to what many people think, thoughts are not a hindrance in meditation. This is a very important point. As the Knower, we simply observe the thoughts and remain aware that they are not separate from us. Our thoughts may cease, leaving a peaceful, blissful state. This is the state of the pure Knower, unadulterated and free. It is our essential nature, unfettered by any sense of division; it is the sense of oneness:

To realize the sense of Oneness, the sense of division should be given up. This will happen when one stills the mind and unfolds the sense that unifies everything that is perceived as separate. When this sense of division is transcended, it is called renunciation. (Swami Shyam 1998, 92). 

The only thing to renounce is division. This comes through meditation.

I will end with a quote from the Ashtaavakr Gita that perfectly describes the ultimate state which is reached on the spiritual path:

The removal of bondage and the elimination of sorrow and suffering come to be realized and experienced only when a person reaches the nature of Oneness. (Swami Shyam 2001, 114) 



Smoley, Richard. “Why Ritual Works: An Explanation Based on the Hawaiian Tradition of Huna.” Quest 108, no. 3 (summer 2020), 13–19.

Swami Shyam, trans. Ashtaawakr Gita: The Scripture of Knowledge for All Times. Kullu, India: International Meditation Institute, 1998.

Swami Shyam, trans. Ashtaavakr Gita: Simplifed Knowledge of the Self. Two volumes. Kullu, India: International Meditation Institute, 2001.

———. Yog Vashishth: The Eternal Clarity. Kullu, India: International Meditation Institute, 2017.

Glen Kezwer is a physicist who has been practicing and researching the science of meditation since the early 1980s. Following the spiritual path is the central focus of his life. He is the author of Meditation, Oneness, and Physics, and The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, as well as many articles on science, meditation, and spirituality. He is a course author with the online teaching website

Viewpoint: Initiation into the One

Printed in the  Spring 2020  issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Hebert, Barbara"Viewpoint: Initiation into the One " Quest 108:2, pg 12-13

Barbara Hebert

IBarbara Hebertnitiation is a topic of fascination to many. We may reasonably wonder about the basis for such interest. Some individuals may want to receive initiation in order to acquire power or knowledge, hoping to learn the secrets of the universe or acquire psychic or supernatural abilities. On the other hand, perhaps the fascination runs much deeper. It may be because on some level we recognize that, as souls, we are on a spiritual journey and have an inner awareness that there is much more to us and to our journey than simply this physical life.

Annie Besant writes about initiation:

It means an expansion of consciousness. Initiation itself is a certain series of events through which the [hu]man passes; actual events and experiences taking a certain amount of time, not a vague indefinite series of feelings, but actual communications and thoughts and actions gone through by a [hu]man out of the physical body, in the presence of a great assembly of the Masters. The result is that the [hu]man becomes conscious of a new world, as though some great new sense had been given . . . which opened . . . a new world . . . As a [hu]man born blind might know the world by hearing, taste, touch, but if [the] eyes were opened would see a new world . . . not dreamed of stretching around . . . on every side, so is it with the [hu]man who, having passed through the great ceremony of Initiation, comes back into [the] body, into the mortal world . . . Another world is around [the individual], a new phase of consciousness belongs to [that person]. [The person] sees, where before [s/he] was blind. [The person] knows, where before [s/he] only hoped or guessed. 

The teachings of Theosophy indicate that our spiritual journey will allow us—or perhaps more accurately, push us—to grow, thus increasing our sense of personal and universal awareness. As we travel the spiritual path, every time we surmount an obstacle we grow a tiny bit. Eventually these tiny bits of growth combine to bring us to a totally new stage of consciousness.

Geoffrey Hodson writes:

When we are conscious solely in this . . . material and mortal aspect of our nature, we are temporarily unconscious of both our divinity and unity with God. As our evolution proceeds, we gradually rediscover this lost knowledge of oneness with the Deity. This is the ultimate secret of life. The salvation of [humanity], following [its] so-called fall, is an ascent into full experience of the fact that God’s image lies at [each hu]man’s very core.

For the goal of human evolution is the standard of perfection described in Christianity as “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” This implies the attainment of a divine state of omnipotence—or perfected and resistless will; of omnipresence—or perfected and all-embracing love; and of omniscience—or perfected and all-inclusive knowledge. Furthermore, and most importantly, the attainment of this perfection is absolutely certain for every person. 

Put simply, initiation, as described in much of the literature, is an expansion of consciousness. This expansion provides a greater understanding, not just from a cognitive perspective but also from an experiential one, of the unity of all beings. It seems to me that the true wisdom gained through each successive initiation pertains to the reality of the essential unity of all life. We are not separate from one another, as we appear to be; rather we are like the various colors that are dispersed when a white light shines through a prism. We look like different aspects, but at our root we emanate from the One Being.

At this point in our lives, we may understand the concept of the unity of all life intellectually; that is, we have the knowledge in our physical brains, and we believe it. But with each successive initiation, the cognitive component slips away until we fully experience the reality of what it means to be one with all others.

It is difficult to imagine how glorious it must be to experience unity, if only because the personality and the physical brain are not part of that experience. Initiation goes beyond the physical realm into the realm of the soul and ultimately into the realm of the One, thus empowering, even compelling, us to dedicate ourselves more deeply to working for humanity.

When we talk about working for humanity, we are talking about raising the consciousness of all beings. At the same time, as I have mentioned in previous Viewpoints, in order to work for humanity, we must work on ourselves. As we change and grow in conscious awareness through observation and effort, we are impacting all of humanity. As one unified whole, any time one aspect changes, the whole must change, even minutely. As each of us makes tiny changes in our consciousness, we are changing all of humanity, even though our contribution is so infinitesimally small that we can’t see it.

With each increase in consciousness, we gain a greater sense of responsibility. More awareness equals more obligation. As we begin to see the world more clearly, we also begin to see our responsibility more clearly. This responsibility ultimately requires self-sacrifice. The self is sacrificed because it disappears. There is no self—there is only one whole. Initiation is giving up the self, bit by bit, until at the final initiation, there is no longer a sense of a separate self; there is only a sense of the One.

Therefore an individual looking toward initiation in order to gain knowledge or power may find it, but perhaps not with the anticipated outcome. What is truly received through various initiations is the recognition of our obligation to serve humanity. The knowledge gained is the increasing experience and awareness of the unity of life. The power gained is the loss of the separate self and all of the personal attachments of that separate self.

As Hodson indicates, all of us will ultimately experience initiations, as well as the expansion of consciousness inherent in them. It will happen at some point. Desiring initiation would seemingly slow the process rather than expedite it. On the other hand, an intentional focus on personal growth while helping others as much as possible would accelerate the movement.

Theosophists are encouraged to study, meditate, and serve. We are encouraged to listen to our own inner voice and use our discernment as we walk the spiritual path. The thoughts expressed here are simply my reflections at this point in time. I’m wondering about yours. What are your thoughts about initiation and movement on the spiritual path?


Besant, Annie. Initiation: The Perfecting of Man, Chicago: Theosophical Press, 1923.

Hodson, Geoffrey. “The Spiritual Self and Its Goal of Perfection”;; accessed Jan. 5. 2020.

Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities

Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities

Dean Radin
New York: Deepak Chopra Books, 2013. 369 + xxiii pages, paper, $14.

Scientific explorations of human potential often focus on technological and chemical enhancements to the human body, leaving the cultivation of our natural capabilities as mere hints of what can be altered through artificial means. In Dean Radin's latest offering, Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities, the veteran psychical researcher brings us back to the self as the starting point for investigation. He comes up with surprising evidence that a journey inward may reap more rewards than anything that conventional science can offer us.

Radin has three previous works under his belt, but this is his most provocative book yet, delving into the deeper implications of psychical research for self and society. Supernormal explores some of the exciting conclusions that can be drawn from the extensive peer-reviewed research and tears apart the misconceptions and misrepresentations that are common in the skeptical subculture. Radin doesn't tease us with a weak-kneed appraisal of what can be understood from over a century's worth of accumulated data. Instead he makes a full-scale assault on commonly held assumptions that limit us from embracing the radical possibilities of human existence.

While Radin's previous books have covered similar ground, this work, framed around an exploration of the Hindu and Buddhist siddhis (extreme abilities and states of consciousness reported by advanced yogic practitioners), provides a unique connecting point to the cross-cultural dialogues that are being fostered by the Dalai Lama with Western scientists. As Radin points out, these powers are commonly reported in all major religions: "Tales of supernormal mental powers are not unique to the yogic tradition. Most of the same abilities are described in Catholicism as chrisms and in Islam as karamats. In Judaism, nahash or divination may be practiced by a zaddik [holy man] . . . All shamanistic traditions are saturated with such tales." Experiences assigned by academics to the realm of legend, myth, and hagiography may in fact bring us closer to what we are at the very core of our reality.

Supernormal provides a solid starting point for bridging between ancient and contemporary understandings of the world and to evaluate the reality of esoteric and so-called "occult" doctrines. Telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis are all examined in light of their exposition in Eastern sutras as well as in scientific data. We are also treated to examinations of abilities such as bilocation, teleportation, manifestation of physical objects, and other feats that seem to stretch credibility to the utmost limit. While careful in his analysis of each claim, Radin emphasizes that in the traditional sutras, these abilities are not presented as wholly metaphorical but are given as literal powers that can be attained through advanced practice.

Balancing between his scientific examination and the incredible potentials described in works such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Avatamsaka Sutra, or Flower Ornament Scriptures, Radin is able to evoke a wonderful sense of possibility without ever falling into fantasy or gross speculation. He maintains this delicate balance even when he takes us into evidence that the universe's very structure may support something akin to the reality expressed in popular works such as Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. Hence our participation in reality may go much deeper than crude manipulations of the material realm.

Readers familiar with esoteric doctrine will be delighted to find within Supernormal a well-organized apology (in the classic sense) that utilizes Western science to open up the reality of the hidden realms of human potential. Those whose interest lies in more scientific areas will find in the book a powerful means of taking their inquiries into the far-reaching realities that outshine popular materialism and skeptical mythmaking. At the time of writing for this review, Supernormal is currently ranked as the number one best-seller in its category for two weeks in a row by Nielsen BookScan, and is holding a high ranking on Amazon as well, showing that Radin has touched on a deep need within our culture. In doing so, he will hopefully provide one more key to understanding ourselves and our society in a way that can lead to greater growth and fulfillment of who and what we truly are.

David Metcalfe

David Metcalfe writes the "Psi in the News" column for the Reality Sandwich Web site. Dean Radin will be a featured speaker at the Theosophical Society's Summer National Convention in July 2014.  
