Ritual in Co-Freemasonry

Printed in the  Summer 2020  issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Kokochak, Jo"Ritual in Co-Freemasonry" Quest 108:3, pg 20-24

By Mary Jo Kokochak

Theosophical Society - Mary Jo Kokochak has been a member of the Theosophical Society and the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women Le Droit Humain since the 1970s.  She has served as director of the Olcott Library in Wheaton,  and of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy Library in Ojai, California.  The website of the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain, is www.comasonic.org.My involvement with the Co-Masonic order began in a strange and unique way, as many spiritual quests do. One afternoon, while I was browsing in a bookshop, a copy of The Egyptian Book of the Dead suddenly toppled off a shelf into my hands. A short time later my search led me to the local branch of the Theosophical Society in my hometown of Detroit.

I’ve long forgotten the subject of the evening’s lecture, but what has stayed with me for the past forty-five years is the unusual experience that happened just afterward. Without any forethought, I found myself walking across the lecture room to one of the members and asking her, “What is Freemasonry?” I knew very little about the Masons and hadn’t consciously thought much about them, so the words sounded strange to my ears.

The woman seemed as startled as I was but said, “I’m an Eighteenth-degree Co-Mason; I’ll tell you something about it.”  We set a date for a chat, and I went home.

Later that night, as I was falling asleep, her smiling face came into my awareness, and I journeyed back through the centuries to our life together as mother and daughter. She remained as a dear friend and mentor for many years after I joined both the Co-Masonic Order and the Theosophical Society.

Freemasonry has its modern roots in the craftsmen’s guilds of the Middle Ages: groups of men who traveled throughout Europe building the great cathedrals such as Chartres, Notre Dame, and Amiens. These operative masons became the foundation for “speculative” Masonry, which developed in the eighteenth century as a system of rituals and symbols using builders’ tools to teach moral and philosophical ideas and ideals.

Freemasonry, which opposed the dogmatism and authority of the church, was designed to encourage tolerance and freedom of thought. Its purpose was to create a fraternity by gathering together men of different nationalities, races, religions, and social classes, abolishing all causes of division, and promoting unity.

Present-day Freemasonry in the U.S. is known by most people as a men’s fraternal and charitable organization, and although it teaches morality and ethics, it has lost some of its original purpose, and its lodges bar women; some also exclude men of color from joining.

Co-Freemasonry was founded to correct these omissions. In 1882 an exclusively masculine lodge in France, appropriately named “The Freethinkers,” initiated Maria Deraismes, a lecturer and worker for equal rights for women. These men believed that preventing women from joining was an outmoded custom and that the time had come to bring them into the fraternity. These Masons declared equal rights for both sexes, no limits on the search for truth, and, to ensure this search, maximum tolerance among members. These enlightened French Masons saw that in order for society to progress, women must be provided with the educational advantages of Freemasonry, equality with men in all avenues of life, and the opportunity to take a responsible place in the community.

In 1893 Dr. Georges Martin, a French senator, joined Maria Deraismes and other male Masons in founding Loge Le Droit Humain, Maçonnerie Mixte, known in English as Lodge Le Droit Humain (Human Rights), Co-Freemasonry, the first lodge to admit women equally with men. “Co” referred to men and women working together not merely side by side, but jointly and mutually assisting one another. The founders felt that men and women could come together in an international fraternity to bring human rights to all people, and their lodges were open to men and women of all nationalities, races, and religions. They were against racism, the degradation of women, and religious intolerance, and in fact believed that religions divide humanity rather than unite it. The articles of the first constitution of the Co-Masonic order were and still are essentially those of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations.

The movement was destined to expand its purpose through the efforts of Annie Besant, the second international president of the Theosophical Society. Throughout her life, Besant was concerned with the plight of the downtrodden and oppressed and worked for equal rights for women. Learning of this new form of Freemasonry, she saw it not only as a tool for intellectual and moral advancement, but realized its enormous potential for the spiritual development of both men and women. In 1902 she went to France and joined Le Droit Humain, then spread the order throughout the English-speaking world. Her spiritual vision brought new life to the Craft (as Masonry is sometimes known) and joined together the two streams of spiritual self-transformation and service to humanity.

The Supreme Council of Le Droit Humain signed the Besant Accord, which guaranteed its lodges the freedom to practice this new form of Co-Freemasonry. While there is no other formal link between the Theosophical Society and Le Droit Humain, it’s easy to see what the two organizations have in common. Both share  a vision of a unified humanity while respecting individual differences and freedom of belief in the search for truth and promoting self-transformation. Many Theosophists have been members, among them international presidents Radha Burnier, N. Sri Ram, C. Jinarajadasa, and George Arundale, and American presidents Joy Mills, John Algeo, and Betty Bland. In 1926 Besant, Krishnamurti, and other Theosophists held a Co-Masonic ceremony laying the foundation stone for the headquarters of the Theosophical Society in America in Wheaton.

Besant and other Theosophists believed that the roots of Freemasonry can be traced back to the ancient Mysteries, particularly of Egypt and Greece. Fellow Co-Mason and Theosophist C.W. Leadbeater wrote two books which shed light on this link, The Hidden Life in Freemasonry and Ancient Mystic Rites. Besant and Leadbeater felt that the ancient rites and rituals have emerged in the present day as Freemasonry. While we can’t say for certain that Freemasonry is an actual revival of the Mysteries, they definitely have certain elements in common.

Theosophical Society - Fig.1: First Degree: the Apprentice grade






Theosophical Society - Fig. 2:  A tracing board for the Second Degree
Fig.1: First Degree: the Apprentice grade

  Fig. 2:  A tracing board for the Second Degree

Tracing boards have long been a basic element of Masonic instruction. Their symbols are intricate and multidimensional, with many meanings. Fig.1: Is for the First Degree: the Apprentice grade. Symbols include the checkered pavement, which refers to the material world, with its alternation of positive and negative. The Blazing Star, also known as the Glory, symbolizes the universe as seen from the point of view of the divine. The sun and moon are ancient symbols of complementarity. Jacob’s Ladder in the center represents an ascent through the level of the spirit. Fig.2:   A tracing board for the Second Degree, that of the Fellow Craft. Here the staircase is curved to indicate that as the initiate ascends, he must turn his  attention from the material world toward the higher levels. Fig 3:  A tracing board for the Third Degree: Master Mason. The coffin and skull motif refers to the death of the “old man as a prelude to initiation. Fig 4:  A tracing board indicating the layout of the lodge. See W. Kirk Macnulty. Free masonry: A Journey through Ritual and Symbol (London: Thames &  Hudson, 1991).

Theosophical Society - Fig 3. A tracing board for the Third Degree: Master Mason   Theosophical Society - A Tracing Board Indicating the Layout of the Lodge
Fig 3. A tracing board for the Third Degree: Master Mason   Fig. 4: A tracing board indicating the layout of the lodge

 Co-Freemasonry is essentially a system of rituals and symbols with the purpose of developing morally, intellectually, and spiritually. The system is designed so that it can be interpreted at ever deeper levels depending on the understanding of the Mason. The ideal of service is primary: Masons don’t work for their own personal satisfaction but to develop themselves so they are more capable of helping others.

Members advance through a system of degrees. Each of the three primary degrees depicts what can be called steps on the path of spiritual development and presents an outline of the essential work required in each step. The Mason learns about the great plan of evolution and the opportunity that Co-Masonry presents for taking one’s own development in hand to quicken spiritual progress.

Co-Masonry isn’t a secret society, but it does have certain secrets, so its rituals can’t be described, but generally speaking, the rituals make use of myths and traditions of Egypt, Greece, Israel, the Knights Templar, and the Rosicrucians. A myth is not factual reality but a story designed to impart deeper levels of meaning. The myths of Co-Freemasonry are made alive through the participation of members in dramatic enactments with the purpose of causing meaningful inner change.

One important myth revolves around the construction of King Solomon’s Temple, each Mason representing a stone necessary for the completion of the building. Every stone must fit squarely into the structure so the building will be strong and stable. The Temple represents humanity. The ritual continually reminds us that no one stone is more important than another and that we work on ourselves in order to help humanity as a whole evolve.

This emphasis on unity is built into the ritual of each degree. In this way it discourages the temptation to consider ourselves as more advanced than others as we progress through the degrees.

The lodge is the basis of all Masonic work, and every member belongs to a lodge. In some ways it is similar to the Buddhist sangha, where members are motivated by the same ideals and come together to support one another. Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh defines sangha as “beloved community,” and my lodge has been this for me. When the members are in harmony and working in the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood, the lodge becomes a spiritual family. Meeting regularly over time, members build strong bonds with one another, and a collective consciousness develops that supports and strengthens the ritual. The power of the group becomes greater than the sum of the individuals participating, so that a deep commitment to the ideals of Masonry and a strong sense of intention adds strength to the work.

Nevertheless, conflicts and difficulties can arise in the lodge, just as they do in the most loving family. Disagreements and pettiness disturb the harmony of the ritual, so tact, patience, tolerance and acceptance are all necessary. But one benefit of working closely together is that as character defects rise to the surface, there is the opportunity to work on them in a supportive atmosphere. This “smoothing of the rough stone” is one of the purposes of the Masonic lodge.

The use of myth, ritual, and symbols differentiates Freemasonry from other organizations having the same purpose of spiritual self-transformation. Lectures, for example, use facts and ideas and speak to the intellect, while a symbol points beyond itself, leading to a more mysterious realm. Symbols unlock the higher quality of intuition and open doors to the unconscious, making that reality conscious. Like a Zen koan, a symbol can give the experience of direct insight, but this doesn’t come automatically, and the ground must be prepared through study and contemplation. Insights come in a flash of “Eureka! So that’s what it means! It’s so obvious! Why haven’t I seen this before?” Since symbols have many levels of meaning, they reveal deeper insights as we grow in understanding. But the mind tends to want a final answer, so it often fixes upon an insight, preventing newer interpretations. The Mason learns to be patient and hold each insight lightly while working toward the next.

Like the ancient Mysteries, Co-Masonic ritual is experiential. How the ritual works retains an air of the unknown. It asks that we use our senses of sight, hearing, smell, and touch and involve our body, mind, and emotions. It asks us to be fully present in the moment, centered, watching and listening to what the ritual is trying to reveal. Although the rituals are unchanging and we repeat the same words and actions at each meeting, no two meetings are ever exactly the same. This is because we ourselves change from day to day and influence the tone and power of each meeting.

Ritual is meant to act on our deeper nature, and perfect ritual requires that we forget ourselves. It’s important that we know what we’re doing and why, but most important is that the Mason becomes the position they are holding and unifies their consciousness with it. This means that we set aside our personality and let it recede to the background. While this isn’t easy, it can be learned. Healing techniques such as Therapeutic Touch and Reiki also involve this kind of impersonality, so that the healer channels universal energy rather than their own.

A sister said that at a recent ceremony, as she was speaking the words to the candidate, the room suddenly came alive with intense light; the words became more than mere words and took on a reality of their own. The ritual was the same as it had always been, and the words were the same as had been spoken often before, but they were now alive with extraordinary spiritual meaning and depth. What brought this about? Was it the preparation of the speaker, the ardor of the candidate, the devotion and concentration of the other members present? Was it all of these and perhaps something more?

Does participation in ritual actually bring about inner change? Recently when an applicant was being interviewed, she asked the brother what Co-Freemasonry had done for him, he replied that it had created order out of chaos, explaining that it had brought order to both his outer and inner life. This is one of the great benefits of long-term practice of ritual: it creates discipline and harmony.

Looking back on my years in the Craft, I see that it has helped me focus on what is most important in life; the unimportant has gradually fallen away. The ritual also has made me more aware of my shortcomings and character flaws and given me tools to work on them. It has provided me with hope and inspiration in times of difficulty, and resolved inner conflict so that I can express Masonic ideals more easily. On a more mundane level, I’ve learned to work more effectively in a group, organize my day-to-day life, budget time, and study regularly.

After a recent initiation, the new sister shared her experience with the lodge and described what it was like for her. With a glowing smile, she said she stilled her thoughts, opened herself completely, and, not knowing what to expect, was still fully trusting. While many candidates can be nervous and apprehensive, this sister was able to really benefit from the ceremony.

Although ritual books can be found, candidates are advised not to read them, so that the ceremony has an element of surprise and is experienced at a deeper level rather than simply intellectually.

A common misunderstanding is that initiation and becoming part of a lodge automatically ensure spiritual development. The ritual is inspiring and gives the energy to move forward, and the support and instruction from other members give a foundation to build on. But growth is ultimately in the hands of each member. This means study, regular attendance at meetings, contemplation of the symbols, and putting their meaning into practice in daily life.

Co-Freemasonry has had its share of problems, just as Theosophy has. In spite of this, the movement has carried on in various forms with the goal of building a unified humanity. The International Constitution of Le Droit Humain states that its members declare themselves “fraternally united in the love of humanity” and seek to give concrete expression “to realize on earth the greatest possible degree of moral, intellectual and spiritual development for all people.” For me there is no higher work than this.

Mary Jo Kokochak has been a member of the Theosophical Society and the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women Le Droit Humain since the 1970s.  She has served as director of the Olcott Library in Wheaton,  and of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy Library in Ojai, California.

The website of the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain, is www.comasonic.org.

From the First Word

Printed in the  Summer 2020  issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Singer, Margery A."From the First Word" Quest 108:3, pg 9

By Margery A. Singer

This essay was written on my mother’s seventieth birthday in 1984. As she often did, I think she was experiencing a very close conscious connection with eternity on that day. She told me she heard the music of the spheres, saying that it is sweeter than any earthly sound.

My mother always wanted to share her cosmic connection with everyone she met. She very much wanted to be a light in the darkness for others. Her life’s desires were to be a mother and teacher about God’s love. She was the most loving person I have ever known.

                                                                                                                                                               —Forest Conley

In the beginning, the first Word—the first vibratory embodiment of thought—was that of the Creator saying, “I Am.” That source of all intelligence, all that is, therewith created the first link in the forever growing chain of action and reaction, one that continues to flow from idea into expression. The Word, and all to follow, were ideas crystallized into patterns, which then became creative catalysts.

The Words of God are endlessly spoken and uncountable: “I am . . . I know . . . I will . . . to create . . . energies . . .  forms . . .”  The Creator’s own joy in His creation, in the patterning of His knowing, set up vibrations of energy which expressed the impress of the patterned thought, that is, the Word. These waves of energy created further forms and interrelated systems for their expression. Forms function as “words,” demonstrating the ideas involved in their creation.

This dynamic, patterning energy is the music of the spheres; it is that which makes all that fills the Cosmos. Every atom, every flower, tree, and star, has its own song, its uniquely patterned vibrations that have created it and maintain its beingness in space and time.

Yet human consciousness could not maintain its own functioning identity—which is necessarily a limitation—if it could hear more than fragments of the ongoing music of creation. The human mind would break under the strain, unable to either separate or encompass the interrelating patterned harmonies. Any  melody we hear can be quickly fragmented and lost when confronted with other melodies whose notes are relatively dissonant, however perfect in themselves.

Now and then we do become aware, however vaguely, of this cosmic music whenever we feel a crescendo of joy or catch a melodic fragment from this universal symphony. When transposed into our consciousness, the music may become love—a song to which our hearts dance in a new rhythm—or an insight whose harmonies revitalize our minds.

We may also be hearing this music of the spheres whenever a phrase communicating something of the meaning and purpose of Creation breaks through into our consciousness. We may then embody our perception by creating a form reflecting its image. Thus inspired, an artist, composer, inventor, humanitarian (who is an artist in the arts of living) embodies those vibrations of universal energy by building an image— physical or mental—of that harmony heard in the mind.

Every form or entity in Creation is made to play a different part in the composition of the whole. Just as a drum cannot play what a horn or violin plays, we all have a built-in range of potential abilities whose exercise requires practice, concentration, choice, and sensitivity.

Performing at the best level of which we are capable is a learned skill—and one we may or may not achieve. But the notations for our own music are there, just beyond the periphery of our daily concerns, although most of it may remain forever out of the reach of our awareness. What we do not learn to play will be played or is being heard elsewhere, and what we do play will be played back again for other ears yet to be. Whether or not our music becomes the heritage of others in another time or remains a song waiting to be sung is our choice—a trust denied or fulfilled.

Margery A. Singer was a lifelong and second-generation Theosophist. Her Poetry Galaxy book sells in the Quest Book Store in Wheaton, Illinois.

Why Ritual Works: An Explanation Based on the Hawaiian Tradition of Huna

Printed in the  Summer 2020  issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Smoley, Richard"Why Ritual Works: An Explanation Based on the Hawaiian Tradition of Huna" Quest 108:3, pg 34-36

By Richard Smoley

The way up and down are one and the same.

Theosophical Society - Richard Smoley is editor of Quest Magazine, author of several books, and has given many talks on Theosophical concepts and Principles. The word ritual can evoke mysterious power: the smell of incense, the pageantry of ceremonial robes, the resonance of prayers muttered in a low singsong. But the word can also connote something dead and stultifying, actions carried out for the sake of form without any remembrance of the meaning behind them.

Nearly everyone with any experience of ritual will, I think, attest to its dual nature. Sometimes a simple ceremony with a prayer and a bit of incense can evoke tremendous power, while a church service that has been performed millions of times over millennia will seem dull and pointless.

Why should ritual work when it works? Why does it all too rapidly decay into the lifeless and perfunctory? While many different accounts attempt to explain the nature and power of ritual, one of the most simple, elegant, and compelling is set out in the Hawaiian tradition of huna.

Huna is Hawaiian for secret, and it purports to be the teachings used for centuries by Hawaiian shamans known as kahunas—“keepers of the secret.” But perhaps the best-known version today is principally the work of Max Freedom Long (1890–1971), who lived in Hawaii for a number of years, researching its magical traditions.

To what extent Long’s teaching really reflects the wisdom of the ancient Hawaiians is open to debate. Other versions of huna, for example, Serge Kahili King’s, differ from Long’s in some major respects. (See the “Sources” section at the end of the article for other perspectives on huna.) But this article will concentrate upon Long’s system.

Long never claimed to have any direct transmission of teachings from the kahunas, since their religion was officially suppressed after the white man took control of Hawaii. Instead Long was something of an autodidact. After being exposed to a number of strange phenomena connected with the kahunas—instantaneous healings, firewalking, and curses that made their victims wither away despite the ministrations of modern medicine—he decided to look into the causes behind them. But the kahunas were not forthcoming with their knowledge, and Long met a dead end, until he got a simple idea.

Long reasoned that if there were certain magical teachings in Hawaii, there must be words for them in the Hawaiian language, and that the words must provide some clue to the teachings. So he painstakingly went through Andrews’ Hawaiian-English Dictionary and began to examine words for things like spirit to see what they might reveal. After dissecting the words into what he considered their etymological roots, he set out his findings in a number of books.

Long came up with a strikingly simple, coherent, and intelligent system. Its fundamental insight—which appears in shamanic traditions the world over—is that a human being, so far from a being a single, coherent self, is a confederation of three entities that can work in greater or lesser accord. Their interactions go far to explain certain peculiarities of human nature.

Consider, for example, inner conflict. It seems to be endemic to human nature: all but the most perfectly realized beings—and perhaps even they—are subject to it to one degree or another. If we look at the animal world, we see far less of this conflict. A dog might be subject to differing impulses at the same time—the need to go outside, say, along with dread of a cold, dark night—but its internal conflicts seem incidental compared to the human world, where it is all-pervasive. Long would say that this is because we, unlike animals, are made up of entities that do conflict at times. They are, with their Hawaiian names:

            1. Unihipili (pronounced oo-nee-hee-pee­-lee). This is the lowest of the three selves in terms of evolution, discernment, and rational capacity: Long called it the “subconscious” or the “low self.” Dissecting the Hawaiian roots of this word, he determined that it controlled the energy supply of the human body. It is enormously strong, intuitive, and emotional. It can attach itself to another and act as a servant, but it can also be enormously willful and stubborn. Although it has little rational capacity, it controls the memories. It responds to visual imagery and particularly to physical stimuli (Long, Secret Science behind Miracles, 19).

            2. Uhane (pronounced oo-hah-nay). This is the conscious self, or the “middle self.” It has the ability to speak (hane means to talk in Hawaiian), to reason, and, mostly importantly, to will. It is the master that directs the low self. While it possesses a person’s “executive capacity,” it has no physical strength of its own, but must receive it from the unihipili (Long, Secret Science behind Miracles, 165).

            3. Aumakua (pronounced ah-oo-ma-koo-a). This is the High Self: the wise, utterly devoted, utterly loving, parental spirit. Its capacities and intelligence are far beyond those of both the unihipili and the uhane. Because it does not exist in the material world of time and space, it is capable of performing what are, to ordinary consciousness, miracles. Although from a lower point of view its power and abilities are divine, it is not to be worshipped but loved like a parent. It will grant anything if asked—except what will bring harm to self or others—but it must be asked. Otherwise it will stand aside and permit the lower selves to act out their free will (Long, Secret Science behind Miracles, 165).

Huna does not speak about entities higher than the aumakua. It leaves this question open on the premise that the High Self is the most exalted form of being that ordinary humans can imagine and that it does no good to speculate about anything higher.

Huna resembles some other systems that have not been directly influenced  by it. The Hoffman Quadrinity Process, for example, a contemporary form of psychotherapy, posits an intellectual “adult,” an emotional “child,” and a higher “spiritual self,” which readily correspond to the huna triad. (The fourth element that makes up the quadrinity is the physical body.)

If one leaves out the High Self and considers the two lower entities alone, one will find even more correspondences. Dorothea Brande’s Becoming a Writer, first published in 1934, instructs the would-be writer to balance the creative “unconscious” with the conscious, critical intellect. And the English writer and visionary Colin Wilson notes that the two hemispheres of the brain seems to represent different personalities with different abilities (Wilson).

While it is tempting to correlate the rational uhane with the left hemisphere of the brain and the irrational, creative unihipili with the right hemisphere, one should be cautious about jumping to conclusions when comparing different systems. Nevertheless, the resemblances do give cause for reflection.

If there are physical correlates to the two lower selves, is there also one for the High Self? Many esoteric traditions portray the High Self as located several feet about the crown of the head, so physical correlates may be less exact, if they exist at all.

One would think that, given the huna system, the way to get what you want would be for the uhane, the rational, conscious self, to ask the aumakua. In practice it does, but a certain peculiarity complicates the process.

This is quite simply the fact that the uhane cannot communicate directly with the aumakua. It must go through the unihipili, the low self. Because the unihipili thinks concretely, in visual images, the request is best framed as a picture—the “creative visualization” recommended by some New Age teachers (Gawain). One will be given exactly what one asks for, so it is necessary to frame the picture as specifically as possible and to consider all the ramifications of what one desires.

There is another fact to be considered: workings of this kind require energy. In Hawaiian, this vital energy is called mana, and it seems to come in three “voltages” correlated to each of the three selves that use it. But the ultimate source of energy in the human entity is the unihipili. The low self generates the power used by the middle self for willing and reasoning and by the High Self to perform miracles.

This, Long believed, was the ultimate source of the idea of sacrifice: to make one’s prayers manifest, one must accompany them with a charge of vital energy. The conscious self frames the request in the form of a picture, asks the low self to generate mana, and then directs the low self to send both image and energy to the High Self along the etheric aka cord, which links the three selves together.

As Heraclitus said, the way up and down are one and the same. One cannot reach the High Self without going through the low self. But where does ritual come in?

To answer this question, we must go back to Long’s description of the low self. As the self most closely connected with the body, it is strongly affected by physical stimuli. While it does listen to verbal or mental instructions from the conscious self, often these are so garbled and contradictory (just think of the random things that pass through your head on any given day) that it has learned to pay no attention to most of them. But the low self will take a suggestion seriously if it is accompanied by a physical stimulus.

This fact, I believe, goes far toward explaining the nature of ritual. It is tangible, it is physical, and at its best it attempts to communicate with the low self through all the senses. At a Catholic High Mass, for example, the eyes will see elaborate vestments and sacred vessels. The ears will hear chants, scripture readings, and hymns. The nose will smell incense. The sense of touch will be affected by the constant alternation of standing, sitting, and kneeling. Finally, the sense of taste will be brought in through eating the Eucharist. All of this is designed to gain access to the High Self—conceptualized as Christ—by way of the low self.

            The success of a ritual in fact depends on how well it involves the low self. Long writes:

We should invent a ritual so definite to perform that it would take all the concentration of the low self—and thus prevent it from going through its action mindlessly with you while its mind, in its behind-the-scenes department, is really engaged with something different. Preliminary fasting, with sincere efforts to make amends for lacks and faults—all these are part of the gesture we make to arrive at the beginning of the successful prayer. I know  of no way to convince the stubbornly literal low self that it and its man [sic] deserves an answer to prayer except by the performance of physical acts—the use of the acts as a physical stimulus. Remember, “faith without works . . .” (Long, Mana, 21)

This passage answers the question framed at the beginning of this article. If the ritual becomes too familiar, too mechanical, it will not only lose the middle self—whose conscious direction and will are required for the successful performance of the ritual act—but the low self as well. That’s why so many beautiful rituals are no more than that: they have been sapped of all volition and efficacy because they have become too familiar. Neither middle nor low self is involved.

The passage above brings up another point to be considered in ritual, which is that the low self really does regard the High Self as a parent, and while it will turn lovingly toward the High Self if its conscience is clear, it will skulk and hide if it is convinced it has done something wrong. How is that “something wrong” determined? By programming. Long tells the story of a young woman who had been raised as a devout Methodist, “looking upon dancing as a sin and drinking as a grave sin indeed. Her husband introduced her into a circle where drinking and dancing were the order of the day.”

At one point the woman tripped during a dance and twisted her ankle. After a few days it did not get better, and she went to a doctor, who, taking X-rays, found nothing wrong. Nonetheless, “in a short time,” Long says, “she could hardly walk” and developed “a strange, deep running sore below the ankle joint.” Medical treatment did no good.

It was only when a kahuna was called in that the woman began to show signs of improvement. The kahuna explained to her the huna code of ethics, which is quite simple: the only sin is to harm others. “If it hurt no one in any way, that act was not a sin” (emphasis Long’s).

The woman repeated the kahuna’s suggestion to herself, and after that point the ankle rapidly healed. Unfortunately, the woman’s Methodist conditioning was so deep-seated that when she went back to dancing and drinking, the problem returned. The only way she could keep her ankle well was to give up these activities for good (Long, Secret Science behind Miracles, 252–54).

 A useful prologue to any ritual, then, would be some form of purification, setting accounts straight before one approaches the High Self. Forgiveness is useful: Christ’s injunction to pray, “Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors,” is good huna as well as good Christianity. Having forgiven others, the low self can turn to the High Self and feel entitled to forgiveness from it.


Long’s huna provides about as simple and elegant an account of why ritual works as I have seen. But it does leave one question in ambiguity: who is really in charge of a human being? Much of Long’s writings suggest that the middle self is in charge: ideally the low self does what it is told and the High Self grants what is requested if asked properly. But why should that be? While the middle self has remarkable powers of ratiocination, it is far inferior to the High Self in wisdom and even to the low self in perceptual abilities. (It is the lower self, not the middle self, that performs telepathic acts, finds lost things, and carries out similar tasks.) Why should the middle self be in charge?

The question is not merely hypothetical: it cuts to the heart of our being. In all of us there is a tension between our higher good—which often we do not know and do not even imagine—and what we think of as our good, which may not be good and may  even be harmful. The middle self may have ideas about what is good for its future, but they may be quite different from what the High Self sees as good. How are these to be balanced?

Huna, at least in this form, is not entirely clear about this subject. It says that the High Self is willing to grant the middle self’s desires, but it also seems to suggest that the High Self can take over the direction of the human being and guide it in the course that is best for its evolution.

This ambiguity is not limited to huna. In it lies the whole difference between magic and religion. Magic can be seen as a means of acquiring what one’s middle and lower selves want through properly constructed ritual and prayer. With a religious outlook, on the other hand, one asks the High Self (however imagined) for what one wants but is ultimately willing to surrender to the High Self’s direction, even if it is different.

Few spiritual aspirants, I believe, practice either magic or religion in an entirely pure form. There is always a tension between asking for what one wants and surrendering to the guidance of the High Self, leaving it, with its vastly superior capacities, to achieve a good for us that we may not even imagine.

Perhaps it is even a mark of spiritual development to be able to turn over the controls in this way, since it requires that we admit the limits of our ordinary ways of seeing and being. It requires great faith and great understanding to be able to say to the High Self, “Not my will, but thine, be done.”


Brande, Dorothea. Becoming a Writer. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1934.

DeMoss, Tom. “The Big Kahuna: An Interview with Papa Auwae.” Gnosis 39 (spring 1996), 34–37.

Gawain, Shakti. Creative Visualization. Mill Valley, Calif.: Whatever Press, 1978.

Hertel, S.E. “Kahuna Ana’ana: The One Who Walks in Darkness; An Interview with Two Hawaiian Kahunas, Kahana and Pahia.” Gnosis 14 (winter 1990), 30–33.

Hoffman, Bob. No One Is to Blame. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behavior Books, 1979.

Hoffman, Enid. Huna: A Beginner’s Guide. West Chester, Pa.: Whitford, 1976.

King, Serge Kahili. Changing Reality: Huna Practices to Create the Life You Want. Wheaton: Quest, 2013.

———. Happy Me, Happy You: The Huna Way to Healthy Relationships. Wheaton: Quest, 2014.

Long, Max Freedom. Growing into Light. Santa Monica, Calif.: DeVorss, 1955.

———. The Huna Code in Religions. Santa Monica, Calif.: DeVorss, 1965.

———. Mana, or Vital Force. Cape Girardeau, Mo.: Huna Research, 1981.

———. Psychometric Analysis. Santa Monica, Calif.: DeVorss, 1959.

———. The Secret Science at Work. Marina del Rey, Calif.: DeVorss, 1953.

———. The Secret Science behind Miracles. Los Angeles: Huna Research Publications, 1948.

———. Self-Suggestion and the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis. Vista, Calif.: Huna Research Publications, 1958.

Vitale, Joe. The Art and Science of Getting Results: The Nine Most Powerful Ways to Clear Blocks to Your Success. New York: Gildan, 2020. See especially chapter 5.

Wilson, Colin. “The Laurel and Hardy Theory of Consciousness.” In The Essential Colin Wilson. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, 1986. 168–79.

Richard Smoley’s latest book is A Theology of Love: Reimagining Christianity through A Course in Miracles”. The author wishes to thank the late Murray Korngold, PhD, for his advice and assistance with this article. An earlier version of this article appeared in Gnosis: Journal of the Western Inner Traditions 11 (spring 1989).

Constructing an Effective Ritual

The touchstone of a successful ritual is, of course, the practitioner’s own being: what speaks most deeply to you—especially to your low self—is what will work. But it is possible to set out a broad framework of what is needed for a successful ritual, at least according to huna. Ritual should include:

            1. Some form of purification. The practitioner should be able to feel that he or she can look the radiant High Self square in the eye: otherwise the low self will not feel worthy of the blessings it is asking for. Forgiveness of others is one way, but in the case of people one has wronged, it may be necessary to make reparations of some kind. If this cannot be done, some form of charity or penance may be helpful.

             2. Deciding exactly what you are asking for. This must be as specific as possible to win the attention of the low self. Moreover, if details are not specified, the prayer can backfire. It is also necessary to visualize your desire as an accomplished fact, not as something that will happen in the future. The low self is so literal-minded that if the desire is visualized as being in the future, the low self will keep it there.

            3. Obtaining the cooperation of the three selves. Relaxation is helpful here, and some technique for achieving it, such as deep breathing, can be helpful. Meditate upon the High Self to draw it near. Often it is pictured as some eight to ten feet above the crown of the head. The cooperation of the low self should be obtained. This might be done by speaking to it or by thanking it for the valuable services it performs (maintaining vital functions, supplying creativity and memory). It is important that the low self feels reassured and loved.

            4. Generating an extra supply of mana to be sent to the High Self. Techniques for this vary; someone who is expert in physical disciplines may be able to do it by sheer willpower. Otherwise, deep breathing or vigorous exercise can work. Here is a method described by Long:

Stand with feet very wide apart and arms extended level with the shoulder, palms angling slightly upward, if that is an easy and natural position for you . . . When this position is taken, say aloud, “The universal life force (or just say Mana) is flowing into me now . . . I feel it.” Repeat this about four times, slowly, and with a pause of about twenty seconds between repetitions. Expect to accumulate a surcharge, and expect to feel a prickling in the palms of your hands or wrists, to indicate the building up of the charge (Long, Mana, 8).

            6. Making a mental picture of the object or result desired. Again, it should be visualized as already having happened.

          7. Sending the thought. You can imagine it being transmitted up the aka cord—an etheric thread running up through the crown of the head to the High Self. Feel both the thought and energy being transmitted.

            8. Thanking the High Self for accomplishing what is desired. It is also useful to let the energy flow down from the High Self to the lower selves. The kahuna formula was to say, “Let the rain of blessings fall” (Long, Mana, 32).

The power of ritual resides in its personal, subjective content and meaning; thus the more evocative you can make the surroundings, the more of a charge you can put into the prayer, and  the more likely it is to work.

Of course you will want to vary details, but the items above provide a general framework for huna prayer. It is wise not to make the process too elaborate: most prayers of this kind should be repeated every day until the desired result is accomplished, and a ritual with too many details may be too cumbersome to be worked so often. As a compromise, you may want to perform a more elaborate ritual, with items such as candles and incense, the first time, and then do it afterward in a simpler form.

Richard Smoley


Huna and Theosophy

The main article describes the basic huna system described in Long’s books, but the full picture is somewhat more complex.

There are, as noted, three selves: the lower self, the middle self, and the High Self. But, Long says, each of these three selves also possesses “its own invisible or ‘shadowy’. . . body. During life the shadowy bodies of the low and middle selves interblend with the physical body. After death the selves live in their shadowy bodies. The High Self lives at all times in its shadowy body. It may never contact the physical body, but it never resides in it.”

Furthermore, “huna recognizes three kinds of vital force, one kind for the use of each of the three selves,” although “all of these are called mana.”

In the full-blown system, then, there are the three selves, their three shadowy bodies, and their three kinds of mana. With the physical body added, the human entity consists of ten elements.

Long compares this system with the familiar Theosophical seven-part division of the human being: atma, buddhi, manas, kama, prana, the linga-sharira, and the physical body. He correlates his system with that of Theosophy by equating atma with the High Self; buddhi with the middle self; and manas, along with kama, with the lower self.

Each of the three selves in huna has its own etheric body, as well as its own form of mana (which is similar to the Theosophical concept of prana).

Long’s correlation is not entirely satisfactory, because the Theosophical buddhi is generally seen as a higher entity than the middle-level conscious self. The accompanying diagram might offer a better correlation: the basic huna system, for example, says that the low self is the one that has access to, and generates, life force.

In the end, these equations are merely approximate, because the systems differ on many points. Huna, like many shamanic traditions, holds that the lower and middle selves go their own ways after physical death, rather than dissolving, as classic Theosophy holds.

When comparing systems like these, it’s valuable to look for similarities and correspondences, but it’s a mistake to try to squeeze one system entirely into the box of another.

Theosophical Society - The Three Selves

For Long’s treatment of these points, see The Huna Code in Religions, 20–21, 40–44.

Richard Smoley




Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of HPB

Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of HPB

Printed in the Spring 2015 issue of Quest magazine.
Citation: Rega, Jr., Ron."Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of HPB" Quest 103.3 (Summer 2015): pg. 106-111.

Click on image to enlarge.

 Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
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  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
  Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky   Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky Theosophical Society - Cosmogenesis: Illustrated Selections From The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky
