A Life Lived in Prison

Printed in the  Winter 2022 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Chadwick , Wallace, "A Life Lived in Prison" Quest 110:1, pg 20-23

By Chadwick Wallace
I have been incarcerated for a little over sixteen years. During this time, I have changed a lot. Mostly in positive ways; at least I hope this to be so.
These changes are the result of being taken from my comfort zone and placed into what is a true melting pot of society: prison. This place is not an easy environment to adapt to, for anyone. To be honest, I am not sure that anyone ever truly does.
It does not help that once you’re stuck here, you’re here until you’re not. Adapting is the only way to survive. Some might take this to mean learning to become a cutthroat, self-concerned, and duplicitous individual, a trope that we see on television and in movies more often than not. There are people that take this route to adapt; it is sad, but an unfortunate part of reality. What is even more sad is that many more will take this route in days to come, as prison continues to be our society’s solution to many problems, but it is not the only way to adapt to and survive prison life.
Many people turn to religion as a means of coping, whether they are returning to an old faith that they strayed from or searching out a new path to travel. While there is nothing wrong with this, there are many other ways to adapt to new surroundings when one is removed from society.
Some choose to keep their heads down and do their best to vanish, while others turn to television and magazines in an attempt to live vicariously through celebrities and fictional characters. Some do whatever they can to sleep their time away, often turning to medication to do so. None of these worked for me.
The cutthroat option was never a choice for me. I am just not wired for it; besides, I would make a terrible bully. I don’t like swatting at flies or stepping on spiders, let alone people. Religion was not an option either, at least not for me. This is not to say that I have an issue with it, but I was never a religious person prior to my incarceration. I know that there are forces in this world greater than those we see with our physical eyes. I can’t really articulate it; I just know it. But religious, me?
No. There was a time when I tried to change my beliefs. I thought it might be best, but I felt I was being disrespectful to those who truly do adhere to religious beliefs. I was not being genuine with myself or others. No matter how badly I wanted to make it true (or at least thought I did), it just wasn’t.
I tried the couch potato approach, drowning myself in television and pop culture magazines. That got old very fast. Nor was it healthy. Sleeping the time away seemed like an option for a brief moment, and in theory it was. In practice, however, not so much.
What was a prisoner to do? I realized that I only had one option.
It was right there the whole time; I just could not see it. I had to live. I had to find a way to actually live in prison, because what I had been doing was not living; it was existing.
I needed to find a way to live in prison that worked for me and kept me a person that I could see in the mirror every day without feeing ashamed while I navigated the chaotic maze of prison life. There are many different types of people in the prison system, and they are all dealing with the same problem: coping in an unnatural environment. I had to learn to live among them. I had to develop a sense of community with them because this was where I was. This was where they were and had been. Most of the guys I was locked in with had been there for a long time, and they already had that sense of community. I just had to make myself a part of it.
I began to read about different cultures and belief systems, especially those most represented in the prison system, including various sects and denominations of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, as well as Hebrew Israelite, to name a few, not to mention people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The prison I started off in had a diverse cross section of people. I’ve met people from India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, China, Thailand, Korea, Mongolia, Palestine, Poland, and Bosnia.
I would spend as much time in the recreation yard as I could (something I previously avoided). I forced myself to be more social, albeit cautiously, and would engage people in conversation. I began to see a difference in people than I was used to in a correctional setting, which up to that point had been a county jail.
Like everyone else, when I was first locked up, I spent time in a county jail. This was a culture shock for me and shaped some of my feelings and views at the time. I found myself in a place surrounded by people the likes of whom I had never associated with. Some were true-to-life hardened criminals, others were people who had just made mistakes, and some were people like me, who found themselves caught up in an unexpected whirlwind.
It turns out that you can’t tell who is who just by looking at them. We were all in there, and we all wore the same uniform. County jail is a place where everyone is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, but nobody, not even the other prisoners, see it that way. Everyone is suspicious of one another: it is an environment of individuals, a total lack of community.
I had some rough times. I survived, although I developed an antipeople worldview. I did not like or trust anyone: every time I did, it always turned out bad. It got to the point where I would not give anyone a chance. Why bother? They would not be around long, and anyway I had my own problems to worry about. I certainly wasn’t like everyone else. Or was I?
I carried this attitude with me to prison after being convicted and sentenced. I was sent to a maximum security prison first. Things were different there, and I was not prepared for that. People were a lot more calm. I did not trust it. County jail was still too fresh in my mind. However, it did not take long before I realized that everyone there had one thing in common: we had all been judged by the state and sentenced to long, in some cases indefinite, terms of imprisonment.
This was where I began to see the different ways people adapted to doing time.
Of course there were still your basic jerks, who tried every angle to exploit others, the weight lifters, jailhouse lawyers, and the guys who took TV Guide as a sort of bible. Not to mention the religious groups. People mostly got along pretty well, even the jerks. People were not nearly as abrasive in prison when compared with county jails. I figured that this was because in prison you do not have the looming cloud of uncertainty hovering above, as you do in county jails. Everyone in prison has been handed their fate; there was no stress over pending court dates or trials. Many people were waiting to hear back from appeals and such, but once you have thirty, forty, fifty years, or more to do so, waiting for the word on an appeal isn’t so stressful.
As I started to meet new people, I began asking questions. I would ask them about their heritage, culture, beliefs, and backgrounds, at least when it was appropriate. I  did this in an effort to learn about the individuals I was to be around for the foreseeable future, for better or for worse.
Not everyone was receptive to my questions. Those who were certainly had some questions for me, which was fair enough, of course. I learned how to relate to people on an individual as well as a group level (at least in comparison to my prior level of social skills). In short, I was learning not only to see the community but to be a part of it. As different as we all are in this world, there is a core commonality that we all share. It took going to prison for me to learn this, and that was a huge milestone for me.
I was never very social in my free life, and I became even less so after being locked up, so much so that I had no idea how walled off I actually was. I was discussing this with a friend one day (yes, friends do exist in prison, and I had actually made a few!), and he mentioned that he had discovered Theosophy. I did not know what Theosophy was; I had not even heard the word before. He gave me some reading material.
Not long after that, I became a member of the Theosophical Society in America and was also an active participant in its Prison Program. Through this program, I was paired with a great mentor and began correspondence courses on a variety of subjects.
Having a mentor was and is still a big help, not just for the courses, but in life. My mentors have introduced me to ideas and concepts that I previously had never thought about. This has helped me refine my own ethics and principles, which have kept me steady through these years.
The nondogmatic nature of Theosophy really spoke to me as a prisoner. I responded well to the idea that I was free to interpret the knowledge and teachings being shared with me as I may. I was free to be myself while being part of something bigger than myself or my immediate surroundings, without strict religious binding or instruction.
Suddenly, I had a resource for learning about a number of different areas of study that interested me, and nobody was going to look over my shoulder to tell me how wrong I was. They would, however, offer other viewpoints or ask, “What if you look at it this way?”
This academic freedom has only served to help me be more—well, me. I’ve gained insights that have enabled me to see the common threads that hold life itself together more clearly than I had ever before. This has strengthened my compassion and understanding for others, even in situations that would have once caused me confusion, frustration, or anger.
Seeing the connection between everything and everyone gave me the resolve to work toward showing others how much one can live in this environment. This is something I do by just being myself, by being the best example that I can to those around me, as well as being open to examples set by others. This is not always easy, and I do not always do a great job of it. Though I do try. I will not stop trying, either.
Prison is still prison, and not everyone feels the same way about living here. Some people are content to just exist; others are just stuck in existence. This holds true of both inmates and prison staff. Sometimes we are tested for what seems to be no good reason at all, at least none that we can see. Some people take kindness for weakness to be exploited, while others just don’t like to see a person with a worse prospect than themselves actually living. The former is something I have succumbed to myself a time or two. I wish I could say differently, but I can’t.
As my self-education about people and my Theosophical studies progressed, I found myself asking more and more questions about why different people adapt in different ways. What leads anyone anywhere? I found that trying to understand people was more productive than not doing so; it was also a lot easier than just holding everybody in contempt. In retrospect, that was actually a lot of work!
As I continued my work with the Prison Program correspondence courses, as well as my own studies and reading, I found that life was not as bad as I used to think it was. On some level I think that I had wanted it to be difficult, as if I were obligated to be a sour person just because I was locked up. It turned out to easy to turn it around. It just took time and effort.
I did, however, hit a roadblock along the way. I was moved to a lower security prison after about thirteen years. I had kept out of trouble for so long and done so well in general that the administration decided to send me to a medium security facility. I thought I had hit the jackpot.
Medium security was a completely different ball game. I had left everything that I had known and was comfortable with to venture into the unknown. It was like getting locked up all over again. I was wrenched from my comfort zone and tossed into a wilderness.
The main difference between medium security and maximum security, at least for me, was the people. Most of the prisoners there did not have very lengthy sentences. This gave them a different perspective than I had come to be used to. They reacted to time differently, and for some, this was not even their first time in prison, or second, or third for that matter.
This made for a difficult adjustment on my part. I would like to say I tried at first, but that would be a lie. The truth is that I thought I was trying to adjust, but actually I expected everything would adjust to me. I slipped off of the edge a little bit, or as one of my longtime friends would later tell me, “the cheese slid off your cracker.”
Without realizing it, I had become the guy who stayed in the cell and did not even try to live. I existed. I had a few confrontations with staff members, which was very out of the norm for me (fortunately nothing serious). I even lost touch with my Theosophical studies. I went over eight months without doing a single lesson, picking up a single book, or writing the Prison Program. I was done, without even knowing it. I’d stopped living and moved backward into plain old existence. I could not stand to talk to people or even go to the recreation yard. I was so bothered by the attitudes of people around me that I never once did the thing I had learned to do: understand people. I never asked, “Why? Why do the people here do what they do?” I did not try to understand or relate to the people I found myself around.
Then I received a letter from the TSA asking why I had stopped. The writer of the letter expressed an understanding that things happen in prison and that my mentor had not given up on me. Nobody at the TSA had. Instead, I was asked if I needed help. I received another letter of concern as well. It meant a lot to me to get them, and I still keep them.
I wrote back explaining that I had been dealing with a lot and that at the time I could not afford membership dues. I felt like a real jerk. I had not even tried to communicate any of this to these fine people, yet they did not forget about me. I was allowed to pick up my lessons where I left off and found a renewed resolve.
Those letters may have seemed like small gestures to those who wrote them, but for me it was a boost. It let me know that I was not forgotten. That made a world of difference to me. How could I have let myself fall into that pit? If I could adjust to a maximum security prison, why not a medium security one? It was still a prison. It only meant a different group of people to learn about. The only thing stopping me was me.
I went back into my lessons and reading with enthusiasm. I read the likes of I.K. Taimni, H.P. Blavatsky, and Annie Besant (along with others). Eventually, one of my mentors introduced me to the Stoics. I began reading Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. I had to have my eyes opened to see the inspiration that never left.
Things began to change. I began trying to learn about the people I was around, understanding their backgrounds and what they had been through to lead them to where they were. Again, I had to choose to be a friend myself.
Theosophy has been a big influence over the years, and I value it in ways I never knew I could. It helps me find understanding in difficult situations as well as the courage to look even the darkest of days in the eye and say “I’m going to live through you. Make peace with it!”
Knowing that I have the support of people whom I have never physically met, but who actually care, is just as important to me as the support I receive from my family, so much so that I think of my fellow Theosophists as family. I don’t think I would be in the good place, mentally and emotionally, that I am in without the support from both directions. I am so grateful to the people at the TSA who take the time out of their schedules to participate in the Prison Program. I honestly can’t find the words to thank them enough. (I find myself struggling to find a way to express this sentiment to my family as well.)
The Prison Program is important. I know I am not the only one who has found it to be so helpful and inspiring. I am sure that others will benefit for years to come. It is a port in the storm, a light in an environment where the lights are shut off pretty early.
I write these words to acknowledge the program as well as the staff who make it happen—all of them. They do more than they might think. They make me feel that I am a part of something greater than myself, something positive and good. They know I’m in prison, but they still treat me like a person. I may never meet them personally, and they may be holding a level of professional distance, but that does not diminish the positive influence I derive from this program. So to all at the TSA and those who make the Prison Program happen, I say these two simple words: thank you.
Wallace Chadwick has been in the TSA’s Prison Program since 2015. He was born in the state of Colorado but moved to Illinois with his family in 1993. He is thirty-nine years old.

A Discovery of Home

Printed in the  Winter 2022 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Krocker, Aaron, "A Discovery of Home" Quest 110:1, pg 18-19

By Aaron Krocker

The year 2012 will forever remain in my memory and be kept in my heart. While many looked for aliens, meteor showers, pole shifts, or the snake god Quetzalcoatl, I discovered my new home in the Theosophical Society.

The concept of home is an important one for me. It suggests permanence, establishes community, and fosters something to strive for within. These were all things that I had taken for granted, but for which I had little appreciation.

As a prisoner, I have felt like an outcast, unknown and uncared for by everyone except my family and friends. But I did it to myself. I allowed my life to be motivated by substances and influenced by factors outside of my true Self.

The seven years of confinement prior to discovering the Society were spent in search of meaning—for my life, for life in general, and for something greater than myself in which I could hopefully find redemption. I joined an Apostolic Bible study, but became disheartened by what I felt was a too exclusive culture. I attended a few Catholic masses and studies, only to find that Catholicism didn’t resonate with me.

In the prison library, I came across a life changing and life shaping book—very simply written, but containing numerous concepts I was new to but that immediately felt right. The book? We’re All Doing Time by Bo Lozoff. It led me to Eastern systems of thought and practice: breathing exercises, meditation, mantra repetition, and yoga, to name a few.

That same year I found out about Gurumayi Chidvilasananda and Siddha Yoga and started participating in a study course based upon Siddha teachings called “In Search of the Self.” Here I learned how to open my heart and tap into the vital energy of the Self. But it still wasn’t enough. I still recite the Siddha mantra om shivaya namah (I honor my inner Self), and continue to benefit greatly from the course, but there seemed to be much that I was missing.

It wasn’t until I transferred from a maximum security prison to a medium security prison that I stumbled upon a library book that would open the door to Theosophy: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight by Shirley Nicholson. I was hooked. I read more, finally excited to visit the prison’s library. Ideas were discussed over the phone with family and outside with a few other inmates. Eventually I found out about the Society’s Prison Program through a prisoner resource list and immediately sent away for more information. I was not disappointed.

The more I read and the more study lessons I completed, the more I realized that Theosophy was what I had been searching for. I had become disillusioned with religious dogma, but I didn’t get that from Theosophy, maybe because Theosophy isn’t a religion. It doesn’t confine one’s thinking, condemn nonbelievers, or claim to be the one and only true way to salvation.

Theosophy is more than a collection of philosophies and practices, of lectures and books and articles. Theosophy, or the Ageless Wisdom, is a vital and vibrant guide for living life. Many religions and systems of thought set forth prescriptions for living a wholesome life. What makes Theosophy different, at least in my own opinion, is that it doesn’t attempt to monopolize truth. Instead, it looks at the numerous sources and presents the gems found in each one.

This Ageless Wisdom has opened my eyes to many concepts that have improved my life, bettered my character, and brightened my future. Through the Theosophical Society’s prison correspondence courses, I have discovered my purpose, which, to simplify, is to live well. Easy to say, but difficult to explain, as there are so many factors involved. At some point, after much practice, it becomes easier, but life still throws its challenges. Yet these challenges strengthen character so that a sense of contentment can germinate within.

I have learned that I am an expression of the cosmos, which is a manifested aspect of the Source, the Absolute, the Divine. By right, all other “expressions” are my kin: brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, mothers and fathers. By understanding this, I have come to appreciate the differences in others more and have grown to want happiness for all. This doesn’t mean that I don’t experience frustration, anger, or sadness, but when I do, the feelings are not as intense, nor do they last as long as they used to.

I’ve learned that whatever pain, frustration, cruelty, sorrow, or anger that I have either experienced or perpetuated is only the result of ignorance, either on my part or on that of others. Whatever has happened to me, for good or for ill, is merely the balancing of the karmic wheel. The good news is that balance can be achieved, and ignorance can be dissolved through experience and the application of wisdom.

Theosophy has taught me that the human experience is about evolving spiritually, mentally, physically, and wholesomely: unfolding from within into our truest and highest potential. This process is long and drawn out, but it enables one to benefit from a full and varied experience of being human.

These concepts have led me to an increased awareness that all beings are connected to one another. I have discovered a depth of potential within myself, and am beginning to feel it in others as well. Theosophy has humbled me, brought me to realize the inner truth, and inspired me to be better at being human.

Much is left to be learned, to be experienced, to be understood; but I am no longer afraid or confused about what my path is. Gratitude to my mentors, teachers, and role models along this path.

Aaron Krocker has been a participant in the TSA’s Prison Program since 2012.

Up from Rock Bottom: The TSA Prison Program

Printed in the  Winter 2022 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Bruce, David P., "Up from Rock Bottom: The TSA Prison Program" Quest 110:1, pg 16-17

By David P. Bruce
davidbruceSometimes a person who has made a series of bad choices needs to hit rock bottom before meaningful change is possible. What constitutes “rock bottom” for many is going to prison. Suddenly your life changes in stark and unimaginable ways: your freedom is sharply curtailed; your so-called friends fade away; your family may cut all ties. You are thrust into a strange and hostile environment, often one that is dangerous, but at the very least dark, dreary, and monotonous.
Those who are weak-willed succumb to the circumstances, leaving prison—if they leave at all—as damaged and broken souls. Others, who are opportunistic and accustomed to using brute force to achieve their ends, see prison as a means of furthering their life of crime, becoming more bestial and unfeeling as they lose any remaining shreds of humanity.
Then there are the repentant ones, who use the enforced isolation to engage in serious soul-searching: How did I arrive at this deplorable juncture? How do I change my patterns of thinking, which set me on this downward trajectory? It is to this last group that the Theosophical Society in America directs its prison outreach efforts. 
The TSA Prison Program is very active and touches the lives of hundreds of prisoners. It is not the first of its kind. Members of the Society have been engaged in prison outreach for decades. The November 1913 issue of The Messenger featured the “Report of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Convention of the American Theosophical Society,” which included a report from the Prison Work Bureau. Its stated purpose was “to teach prisoners the principles of Theosophy by corresponding with them, and to direct their thoughts into new channels that may prove uplifting and beneficial.”
Some famous Theosophists have been involved in prison outreach. For example, the October 1929 issue of The American Theosophist published a transcription of a talk given by C. Jinarajadasa to prisoners in San Jose, Costa Rica. Jinarajadasa, who was a polyglot, spoke to prisoners in their native tongue in Central and South America and elsewhere.
In spite of the normal ebbs and flows of the Prison Program through successive administrations, somehow the work continued. The August 1952 issue of The American Theosophist included the annual report of President James Perkins, who noted that the department of information had been supporting prisoners by sending books and pamphlets. And the January 1983 issue of The American Theosophist reported, “Dora Kunz, our president, visited the maximum-security Stateville Prison in Joliet, Illinois,” where she discussed the TSA’s Prison Program with officials. 
When I was hired in 2003 to work as the TSA’s director of education, the Prison Program had dwindled to one mentor: a dear lady from Milwaukee whose only resource was the old Emogene Simons course in basic Theosophy. After failing health forced her to retire, I made it my goal to restore and expand the program. I had already been corresponding with prisoners in Wisconsin as a member of the Milwaukee Lodge, and I found that I had a knack for it.
Today we have twenty members who volunteer their time and expertise to serve as prison mentors. For them it is a labor of love. When more mentors are needed, I have never had a problem finding them. In fact, many members come to me and ask if they could participate.
I began adding new courses to the prison curriculum, and today we have over fifteen, which are classified as introductory, intermediate, or advanced. Topics are varied and include basic and advanced Theosophy, the spiritual path, reincarnation, and the three fundamental propositions of The Secret Doctrine, as well as studies based on the letters of the Stoic philosopher Seneca, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, selected essays by Francis Bacon, and Emerson’s essay on the Oversoul.
Correspondence from prisoners is screened before it is sent to their mentors, who return the paperwork to the prisoner with comments, suggestions, and encouragement. I have an effective system in place that protects the privacy of the mentors and their families from unwanted solicitations. Additionally, I carefully screen prisoners before allowing them to participate. Even with twenty mentors or more, we cannot respond to all the numerous requests received, so criteria have had to be established in order to make wise use of our limited resources.
When the prisoner completes his or her final lesson of a course, an elegant certificate of completion is issued. To date we have issued nearly 500 certificates.
How have these efforts affected the lives of prisoners? I think the prisoners’ own words say it best. Martin in California said, “The work you do is not only my lifeline, but the lifeline of numerous others in here.” Janet from Illinois wrote, “The courses have definitely had a positive impact on my life during this difficult time of incarceration.” David, from a maximum security prison in Indiana, had this to say: “You shine a very bright light into a very dark place. There are long periods of time where if it weren’t for the Theosophical Society, I wouldn’t receive any mail at all.” Finally, Peter, who was released from a prison in New York, expressed his gratitude this way: “I was just released two weeks ago after 37 years of incarceration. First I would like to thank you and the TSA for the support and educational opportunities. I anticipate some reentry challenges with employment and social assimilation, but I remain committed to the theosophical lifestyle.”
This is just a small sampling of the numerous positive comments we receive from incarcerated individuals. The outreach doesn’t just affect the prisoners taking the courses. Theosophical books that are sent to a prisoner often exchange hands. One book may be read by three, four, or more inmates.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the program also has a very positive effect upon the mentors. They feel they are making a difference in the life of human beings, and they derive great joy and satisfaction from sharing the transformative ideas of the wisdom tradition with those who have lost their way in life and hit rock bottom. 
David P. Bruce is national secretary of the TSA and director of its Prison Program.

Recollections of Dora Van Gelder Kunz

Printed in the  Fall 2021  issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Abdill, Ed, "Recollections of Dora Van Gelder Kunz" Quest 108:4, pg 10-11

Members’ Forum
Ed Abdill

Dora KunzI was just twenty-four years old when I joined the New York Theosophical Society, and I met Dora Van Gelder Kunz on the very first members’ meeting that I attended. In those days, we had a vegetarian dinner before the meeting, and Dora was in the serving line. We soon formed a friendship that lasted about forty years.

Dora was born in Java, Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia), in 1904. Her parents were members of the Theosophical Society, and as soon as Dora was old enough to join, she did. Like her mother, Dora was born clairvoyant. Since she and her family lived on a remote sugar plantation owned by her father, neighbors were not close by, and she had no playmates. When Dora saw a recently deceased person, so did her mother. Consequently, Dora thought everyone saw what she and her mother saw. It was only as an older child that she realized that clairvoyance is rare. In later life, Dora was elected president of the New York Theosophical Society, and then president of the Theosophical Society in America, where she served four terms from 1975 to 1987. With Dolores Krieger, she founded the healing modality Therapeutic Touch (see review on page 40). She died in 1999.

As a gifted clairvoyant, Dora helped hundreds, if not thousands, of people deal with physical and psychological problems. I consulted her on a few occasions and was amazed at her ability to spot my problems immediately. On one occasion I thought I might have prostate cancer, so while at Pumpkin Hollow, I asked Dora to take a look at me. Rather than mention the possible cancer, she immediately said, “Eddie, you are depressed. You don’t want to do anything now, do you?” I had not realized I was depressed, but when she said that, I realized I was. She said, “When you go back to New York, look at the trees, and see how beautiful they are.” Then she told me there was no cancer in the prostate, and she was right.

When I got home, I did as Dora recommended and looked at the beautiful trees. The next Wednesday, when I came into the NYTS, Dora looked at me and said, “Oh, Eddie, you look so much better.” Of course I did not look any better physically. Dora had seen the improvement in my emotional field. I responded, “Of course I do, Dora. I did what you said.”

Dora had a great sense of humor, and as I also have a good sense of humor, we had many laughs together. Dora’s laughter was a cackle. Occasionally, she would laugh at something that none of us got, but her cackle soon had everyone laughing. Although her sense of humor was great, her feelings of compassion for all who suffered were even greater. Dora was not sentimental. She could work with anyone in pain, do what she could for them, and never fall into pity. She knew that pity would not help, and worse, that it would drag her down to a point at which she could not help anyone.

One amusing incident that showed her clairvoyant ability happened one night at a members’ meeting. We had an extremely difficult member who made it clear that she, and she alone, “understood Theosophy.” After a member spoke, she would often say, “You said, but Theosophy clearly teaches . . .” One night, when the annoying member was being particularly difficult, Dora was in the library on the floor above the meeting room. Just when we were all quite irritated at the difficult member, Dora appeared in the room, and she calmed everything down. Later, I asked Dora why she appeared when we needed her most. She said, “Well, I was sitting in the library, and all this prickly stuff kept coming up through the floor. I thought, is that a Theosophical meeting going on down there?”

Dora had an enormous vocabulary, but her strength was not in words. Often she would not complete a sentence, and just as often would use the wrong words. Yet she was able to impress the minds of most with her meaning.

Meditation was an important part of Dora’s life, and she helped many to learn how to meditate. I learned from her, and am eternally gratefully that I did. Dora conducted a meditation class just before member meetings. She was able to stimulate something deep within students that awakened them to the meditative experience.

Once, just before meditation, Dora made a pejorative remark about the Liberal Catholic Church, in which I am a priest. No sooner did we begin to meditate than I got the strongest impression of her saying, “Don’t worry about it. That was just my personality,” and it was.

While Dora was not a member of the LCC, she knew the value of the church, and she could see its services clairvoyantly. Once our bishop asked Dora to observe a mass said in the evening to see why C.W. Leadbeater, one of the church’s founders, said it should only be said between midnight and noon, as the church did until about 1955. She did, and she reported that angels appeared and participated, that the elements were consecrated, but when the Host was broken after consecration, the energy did not spread out over the neighborhood to bless the people. Rather, it was grounded through those present. The energy was lost.

As the title of her biography, A Most Unusual Life, suggests, Dora did indeed have a most unusual life. I vetted her biography and wrote an endorsement for it. To learn more about my dear friend Dora, I highly recommend that you read A Most Unusual Life: Dora van Gelder Kunz, Clairvoyant, Theosophist, Healerby Kirsten Van Gelder and Frank Chesley (Quest, 2015).

Ed Abdill joined the Theosophical Society in 1959. He has served as president of the New York Theosophical Society, and he served on the national Theosophical Society in America board, both as a director and as vice president. He has lectured for the Society throughout the United States and internationally. Ed has authored two books, The Secret Gateway: Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition and Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and the Path.
