About Quest Magazine


Theosophical Society - 2020 Quest Magazine CoversQuest is a magazine of philosophy, religion, science, and the arts, established in 1988, which has replaced The American Theosophist, established in 1913 under the title The Messenger. Our philosophical perspective is that of the Ageless Wisdom (Perennial Philosophy), and we are more interested in religious and mystical thought and experience than in the history of religious institutions and doctrine. The unifying theme is the concept of wholeness; we hold the view that there is but One Life, and all of life is interrelated.

Quest is published by the Theosophical Society in America, the American section of a worldwide organization promoting the comparative study of religion, philosophy, the arts, and science. We seek to explore the common ground between philosophies and religions, between East and West, between science and religion. While we are interested in exploring esoteric themes, articles themselves are accessible, not esoteric. Readers have told us we are "scholarly but not pedantic" and "a good balance of the philosophical and the practical."

Quest is published quarterly. The following subscription options are available for Quest (all costs are in U.S. dollars):

  Domestic Canada Other Foreign

One Year




Two Years




Three Years




Back Issues


 Including Postage

Foreign Back Issues


 Including Postage


Send to

P. O. Box 270
Wheaton, IL 60187-0270

or call 1-800-669-9425 and charge your subscription to your VISA or MasterCard.


Themes and Author Deadlines

Issue   Themes   Author Deadlines
 Fall 2025   Intelligence: Human and Artificial   May 1, 2025
Winter 2026   Virtue    August 1, 2025
Spring 2026   Voyages   November 1, 2025



Quest is a quarterly magazine of philosophy, religion, science, the arts, and the Wisdom Tradition. It is available both to general subscribers and to all members of the Theosophical Society. Our philosophical perspective is that of the Ageless Wisdom or Perennial Philosophy, and we are interested in the connections between cultures and in mystical thought and experience. We explore the common ground between East and West, the ancients and the moderns, science and religion.

Although we are interested in exploring esoteric themes, articles should be accessible. We’re looking for material that is scholarly but not pedantic and provides a good balance of the philosophical and the practical. We also publish book reviews, ranging between 300 and 1000 words in length. Strong preference for reviews is given to books published within the year prior to submission. We do not publish poetry or fiction.

Quest does publish original art. Please send submissions to Drew Stevens, art director, at questmag.art@gmail.com.

The best way to learn about our requirements is to be familiar with the magazine. Sample issues are available for $7.95 postpaid from Quest Sample Issues, P.O. Box 270, Wheaton, IL 60187.

Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in Quest. If you wish us to consider your manuscript, you must not send it elsewhere while it is under review by us. If you do not hear from us in thirty days, feel free to inquire.

Manuscript specifications. We no longer accept hard copies of manuscripts. Articles must be submitted by e-mail with attachments in Microsoft Word or Rich Text format.

Authors are responsible for obtaining any permissions required for materials quoted in text and illustrations. Photographs and graphics must be of a high resolution for scanning: at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).

Generally, full articles average 3000 words in length. Only exceptionally can we print articles much beyond that limit. Articles of shorter length are also acceptable.

We do not use footnotes. If references are needed, they should be within the text, giving author’s name, short title (if more than one work by the same author is cited), and page number, with a reference list at the end. E.g.: “(Johnson 34)” or “As Johnson remarks (Meditation 34)” with a reference list entry:
Johnson, Allen W. Meditation in the Metropolis. Baltimore: Spiritus Press, 1991.

Please include a one- or two-sentence biography with your submission, as well as mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Published articles are accompanied by a photograph of the author, which may be a studio publicity photo or a good snapshot. Digital photos must be of a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. It is not necessary to submit a photo with the initial submission.

Acceptance and payment. We generally do not pay members. Nonmembers may be compensated at the editor’s discretion. Authors receive two copies of the issue in which the submission appears. We buy first-time rights for articles, but retain the right to grant permission for republication to any periodical directly connected with the Theosophical Society worldwide. Payment for art and photographs is negotiable.

Send submissions and inquiries to: Richard Smoley, Editor,
Quest, rsmoley@theosophical.org


Membership in the Theosophical Society is $60.00 annual dues. (This option is available only to U.S. citizens or residents.) Membership benefits include  Quest, “by mail” borrowing privileges from the Henry S. Olcott Memorial Library, program discounts, and the Messenger newsletter. Membership requires sympathy with the Society's three objects:

  • To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color;

  • To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy, science, and the arts;

  • To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.

For more information about membership, see Member Services.