Therapeutic Touch: A Healing Practice

Third Wednesdays of the month, 
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. TT private session (Please write to schedule with Marilyn in advance:  
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Healing circle 
April 16, May 21, June 18

Our Therapeutic Touch (TT) circle welcomes all who come to receive and share this gentle art of healing. TT can ease pain and anxiety and create a sense of peacefulness, calm, and balance. In our circle you can receive TT from our qualified practitioners and/or learn to practice in a simple way. We begin each session with a centering meditation that helps create safe and sacred space in which to practice. We feel that TT is particularly important and needed at this time in our world.  Please join us!

Suggested goodwill offering: $10 

Location: 1926 N. Main Street, Wheaton, IL 

marilyn johnston svobodaMarilyn Johnston-Svoboda, RN, EdD, QTTP/QTTT (Qualified Therapeutic Touch Teacher), is a retired professor of nursing. Taught by Dora Kunz, who co-created TT, Dr. Johnston has led numerous workshops and conferences for over 30 years, teaching TT, imagery, and other wellness and healing modalities. She currently teaches several TT workshops each year and mentors many students. In her private practice, she creates a caring and peaceful environment in which to administer TT for those who are ill along with those who seek to maintain well-being. Dr. Johnston is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and a credentialing trustee of the Therapeutic Touch International Organization.

COVID Safety Policy

At this time, masks are optional inside and outside the building. View our full policy statement here.