Foundations of Therapeutic Touch: A Weekend Training Course

Saturday, September 21, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, September 22, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
$110 includes CNE 12 units and handouts

Therapeutic touchTherapeutic Touch (TT) is a gentle, healing practice using the hands, heart and mind in a compassionate and intentional way.  It brings a sense of balance, peacefulness, and well-being to those who are ill, dying, or those with simple everyday stressors. It decreases pain and anxiety. Therapeutic Touch® (TT) is a healing therapy based on the scientific understanding that matter and energy are both vibrations, and are essentially the same. An additional benefit of this practice is the deep sense of peacefulness and wellbeing it brings to the practitioner. TT is well researched and has a significant presence in health care settings in the US and around the world.  In this workshop you will learn about the human energy field, or biofield, and TT. You will have many opportunities to practice, and to discover new things about yourself and about healing. Each session will be filled with discussion, meditation, centering and experiential exercises. Both sessions are required. For those who seek the credential of “Qualified Therapeutic Touch Practitioner” it is the first of two required courses.

No prerequisite: Invited to attend are health care professionals, caregivers for family and friends, and community members, seeking a pathway to deepen their spiritual journey.

Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Units – Foundations of Therapeutic Touch is a continuing nursing education activity and was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation, approval #1486 for 12 contact hours

Location: 1926 N. Main Street in Wheaton, IL

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marilyn johnston svobodaMarilyn Johnston-Svoboda, EdD RN QTTT has been practicing TT since the early 80’s, a student of Dora Kunz* and Dr Dolores Krieger, creators of TT. A retired nursing professor, she teaches TT to numerous groups of nurses, nursing students and community individuals. She mentors’ students and sees individuals privately for TT. She is a member of Therapeutic Touch International Association (TTIA) and is serving as the TTIA Credentialing Trustee. She currently serves on the Education and Community committees for TTIA. She integrates her holistic value system and beliefs which are reflective of her Native American heritage, into her TT practice and teaching. She creates a caring and peaceful environment for those who come to learn or receive TT.

*Dora Kunz was the past president of Theosophical Society in America. Therapeutic Touch is taught and practiced at most of the Theosophical Centers.