What Do We Know about Psychic Phenomena?

By Lawrence LeShan

Originally printed in the Spring 2010 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: LeShan, Lawrence. "What Do We Know about Psychic Phenomena?." Quest  98. 2(Spring 2010): 66-69.

Theosophical Society - Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D., is the author of the best-selling How to Meditate and many other works on psychotherapy, cancer treatment, and mysticism. This article is adapted from his book A New Science of the Paranormal: The Promise of Psychical Research, published by Quest Books in 2009.What has come out of the last hundred-years-plus in which a great many men and women, often of the highest caliber, have studied psychic phenomena? This is not the place to review the voluminous literature of this work. This has been well done elsewhere, and references at the back of my book A New Science of the Paranormal will lead anyone there who wants to go. What I will do is summarize what we know to be true from this extensive exploration and what we believe extremely likely to be true. We do know much more than we think we know. Let us take a hypothetical situation.

There are two pairs of individuals. The first, Joe and Jim, are both corporate lawyers, both are six feet tall, both have one brown eye and one gray eye, and both have a dog named Spot. One lives in New York, the other fifteen hundred miles away in Chicago. They have never heard of each other and have never crossed paths. The second pair is Harry and Lucy. He is an artist, she is a scientist. He likes the opera, she prefers baseball games. He is five feet, eleven inches tall; she is five feet two. He lives in Baltimore; she lives three thousand miles away in Los Angeles. Ten years ago they had a brief, intense affair and have not spoken to or heard anything of each other since then.

One person dies unexpectedly in an automobile accident. The other person in the pair sees a deathbed apparition of the other. The one who dies suddenly appears to the other in a form so real that the living one believes he (or she) is actually seeing the person, then makes some sort of eye or other contact and disappears just as suddenly.  The number of such well-attested cases is so large that we have pretty much stopped publishing them in the psychical research journals.

In which pair does the deathbed apparition appear—Joe and Jim, or Harry and Lucy?

For anyone with any experience in this field, and for most of the rest of us, there is no question. It is clearly Harry and Lucy.

We do understand certain aspects of the paranormal. Research over the past hundred-plus years has led us some distance. The following facts have emerged and now can be considered definitely proven.

1. Sometimes people unequivocally demonstrate having specific, concrete information that could not have been attained through sensory channels or from extrapolation of data achieved through the senses. If this information was known to any other individual at that time, we arbitrarily label this phenomenon telepathy. If the information was not known to anyone else but existed in some testable form, we call the phenomenon clairvoyance. If the information does not yet exist in clock-calendar time, we call the phenomenon precognition.
2. Space or other physical factors (such as walls or the curvature of the earth) between the source of the original information and the person who demonstrates having it is not a factor. Telepathy seems to operate in about the same manner whether it comes from a thousand miles away or from only as far as the next room.
3. Emotional factors are the major (and indeed only) factors we know of linking the apparent origin of the information and the person who demonstrates having the knowledge. But there are almost certainly other kinds of links that we do not now know about.
4. Many people become anxious when they hear or read of examples of psi, or encounter affirmations of the existence of psi.

The strength of this anxiety should not be underestimated. It has led to the wholesale rejection of the data of parapsychological research by a large number of people in terms far more extreme than they would use in other areas. Consider, for example, the early nineteenth-century natural philosopher Alexander von Humboldt, one of the greatest scientists of recent centuries. He stated that no matter what the evidence for the existence of psi was, he would not believe it: "Neither the testimony of all the Fellows of the Royal Society, nor even the evidence of my own senses, could lead me to believe in the transmission of thought from one person to another independently of the recognised channels of sensation. It is clearly impossible." He chose to give up his lifelong attitudes toward science and the scientific method rather than consider changing them. Here is a great scientist stating that he knows so much about reality that the universe holds no more surprises for him. No doubt this is a comforting and reassuring belief, but it is an astonishing one for a scientist to hold.

In any event, this is all we know for certain about large, meaningful psychic events. At this point we must be very careful about the ways we formulate this knowledge. Terms such as sender, receiver, energy, transmission, and many others carry a heavy baggage of implications. These can unconsciously influence our thinking and our attempts to solve problems.

So much for what we know in psychical and parapsychological research. After more than a century of study, the verdict is in on these facts. Whoever questions them simply has not done his or her homework.

Other particulars in this field are less certain. These are particulars that anyone familiar with the field regards as almost certainly true, but about which a small doubt remains. These include:

1. Neither of the two most widely talked-about hypotheses to explain the data is adequate. The first hypothesis, referred to as "super-ESP," is that all the evidence can be explained by some form of telepathy or clairvoyance. The second hypothesis is that the evidence can be explained by the existence of discarnate entities. That these two, or either of them, might or might not be valid is not the point here. Neither of these two precludes the other. Each seems to be a reasonable explanation for some of the events, but together or separately they are far from satisfactory as a way to formulate or explain all the events of which we have solid evidence. A third explanatory system is needed, which might conceivably include either or both of the first two.
2. Relative physical motion between the source of the information and the person who acquired it is not a factor.
3. Large-scale psi events are related to the constellation of emotions surrounding the person or thing involved.
4. The laws sometimes said to apply to magic (in the sense used, for example, by J. G. Frazer in his classic study The Golden Bough) do not apply to the psychic. These primary laws of magic are:
The law of similarity. If two things resemble each other in one way, they resemble and affect each other in other ways also. If a plant has heart-shaped leaves, it can affect the heart. If I sprinkle water on the ground in the proper ceremony, it is likely to bring rain.
5.The law of contiguity. If two things were once connected, they are always connected. If I put your discarded fingernails on a doll and stab the doll, you will feel the pain.
These two laws do not govern the formation of large-scale psychic events.
6. The time barrier can sometimes be breached. In both large-scale and small-scale studies, people have shown knowledge of events that could not have been extrapolated from presently existing data and that had not yet occurred in clock-calendar time.
7. If a person has information that he or she very much desires to keep secret, it cannot be attained psychically by other persons.
8. If a person attains psychic information and knows that it came from another person, the recipient cannot tell whether it was on the surface of the other person’s mind or was far from her present awareness.
9. Under rare conditions, the specifics of which are unknown, psychological intent can affect the movement of matter.
10. There is something in or relating to the human personality that does not cease to exist at the moment of bodily death. (A large percentage of deathbed apparitions occur a measurable interval after the death of the body.)

A fascinating suggestion was made by two of our most knowledgeable and careful workers in the field of psi, Justa Smith and Charles Honorton. Although new (at least to me), and not accepted in the field to the degree the other concepts listed here are, it has such potential that it seems worth adding to the list. At the very least, I believe it would make most students of psi deeply thoughtful.

Justa Smith, a biochemist, had been working with a very well-reputed psychic healer named Oskar Estebany and some other healers. They were trying to influence enzymes in test tubes. To her surprise, if the enzymes had been in a human body, the effect in each case would have been to improve the person’s health. Smith commented, in part:

We used three different enzymes with all the healers. Each had their own samples. We used trypsin, NADH, and glucophosphotase. The trypsin was increased in effect which would be a helpful thing. The phosphotase decreased its activity which would be helpful in a positive direction. The NADH was not affected, but NADH is in balance so any change would have been unhelpful. My conclusion is that the effect on enzymes by a healer is always in a positive, helpful direction. The healers did not know which enzymes were being used or in which direction change would be helpful. None of them had any training in enzymology.

Honorton observed:

That sounds extremely important. When we are working on PK [psychokinesis, or mentally influencing physical objects] with a random generator in the next room, the effect on the generated series of numbers is in the direction of greater order. When the participant shows evidence of PK, the random numbers become less random and more orderly. It does not matter what the source of the randomness is, thermal noise, radioactive delay, etc., the ordering is in a positive direction. It seems to be goal-directed.

Everything we know, including all the data from psychic healing, seems to indicate that psi effects have a positive, goal-directed orientation. Furthermore, this direction goes beyond the learned knowledge of the participants. Knowledge of medicine, for example, does not help people get better results with psychic healing.

If you are a participant in any developing field of human knowledge and you survey your colleagues, you will find that they fall into three classes. On your left are those who believe more than you do (the wild-haired, soft-headed group). On your right are those who believe less than you do (the rigid, uptight conservatives). Immediately in front of you is a small group of colleagues who agree with you on what to believe and disbelieve (these are the intelligent, knowledgeable people!).

This is certainly true in the field of psychic research. Nonetheless, I strongly believe that the centrist approach outlined here is in agreement with the overwhelming majority of those who have studied this area. Some may wish to move one or more of the statements from the "probably true" list to the "already proven" list. But I do not think that anyone seriously conversant with the field would move any of the statements in the opposite direction or take them off both lists. This, then, is the present state of affairs in our knowledge of psi. We do know a good deal. It is a solid base from which to set out on the next phase of our foray.

Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D., is the author of the best-selling How to Meditate and many other works on psychotherapy, cancer treatment, and mysticism. This article is adapted from his book A New Science of the Paranormal: The Promise of Psychical Research, published by Quest Books in 2009.

Dust Matters

Originally printed in the November - December 2004 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Bland, Betty. "Dust Matters." Quest  92.6 (NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2004):202-203

By Betty Bland

Theosophical Society - Betty Bland served as President of the Theosophical Society in America and made many important and lasting contributions to the growth and legacy of the TSA. One of the inexorable matters of life is dust. It creeps in under windows and doors. It manufactures itself in the air. It is basically invisible until it has already produced a fine covering over everything around. As soon as it has been removed, dust resumes its march of conquest, defying any efforts to have everything "just so" even for a moment.

My mother who, at 91 years of age, has earned the family nickname of the "Eveready Bunny," has been an energetic householder all her life. Busy with an array of creative and service activities, she always viewed dust as a major nemesis. Although it is one of the lighter of housekeeping chores, it is one of the most odious to her and many other housekeepers.

During my growing-up years, Mother was fortunate enough to be able to hire someone to take care of the dusting, so I grew up unaware that dust actually collects on exposed surfaces. I assumed that it only accumulated in hidden corners and behind the books on my shelves. What a shock it was to this inveterate neat nick to discover, in my early married years, that relentless blanket gently smothering everything.

Every one of us encounters this same plight, within and without. Just as physical dust collects on our belongings, psychic dust blocks our access to the realm of spiritual clarity. Life experiences are the important ingredient in our human existence, providing the lessons we are here to learn. These experiences, necessary as they are, catch us in a karmic web of spiritual blindness. Things happen. We react in ways that we think will make our lives more to our liking. We become ensnared in our own little worlds. In other words, we have followed the natural path toward maturity by first becoming self-centered individuals.

Like the particles of dust swirling in the air which make the sunbeam visible, these experiences bring into focus our dharma, our purpose, the calling of our soul's pilgrim journey. The human predicament is to become fully invested in matter (life on this physical plane) and then to begin to clear away the emotional debris in order to wend our way home again.

Our humanity must reach the level of development at which we can learn how to dust! Inner dust is the accumulation of all the particles of experience that color our personality—the desires and avoidances. These are often referred to as attachments or patterns of desire, and are the emotional levers whereby karma works its power on us. In Hindu philosophy they are called the skandas, or the bundles of characteristics and predispositions that we carry with us from lifetime to lifetime.

The skandas are the third element in the nature or nurture argument concerning why people develop as they do. Anyone who doubts that a child arrives in this world with its own set of predispositions has only to experience the parenting of two children. Two children from the same gene pool and living in the same environment will be affected quite differently by the same event. One may remember a ride on an elephant as a major event, while the other barely takes notice, and so on. Even identical twins can reveal marked contrasts in personalities from the very start. One might imagine that the mirror of each child's soul has its own areas of stickiness, so that the dust collects more heavily in one area or another.

Wherever the dust is thickest, however, the fact remains that everyone has plenty of housecleaning to do. In The Voice of the Silence, H. P. Blavatsky speaks of the necessity of life experiences, or dust, in order to develop soul wisdom. But she says that the wisdom gleaned from life's lessons is only accomplished through regular dusting:


The seeds of Wisdom cannot sprout and grow in airless space. To live and reap experience the mind needs breadth and depth and points to draw it towards the Diamond Soul. Seek not those points in Maya's realm; but soar beyond illusions, search the eternal and the changeless SAT [the one eternal absolute], mistrusting fancy's false suggestions.

For mind is like a mirror; it gathers dust while it reflects. It needs the gentle breezes of Soul-Wisdom to brush away the dust of our illusions. Seek O Beginner, to blend thy Mind and Soul.

Shun ignorance, and likewise shun illusion. Avert thy face from world deceptions; mistrust thy senses, they are false. But within thy body—the shrine of thy sensations—seek in the Impersonal for the "eternal man"; and having sought him out, look inward: thou art Buddha.

Although HPB uses the Buddhist idiom in this passage, in this instance the Buddha nature can equally be expressed as the Christ within, or the higher self. This nature is always within us just as a clean surface always resides beneath the dust, but it is beyond our awareness. In order to begin the cleansing process, we first have to be still, sitting quietly so that the gentle soul breezes can find their way into our hearts. Stillness is a beginning, but the sweeping requires the effort of objective self-observation and correction, and reliance on something higher or beyond the personal self—its foibles being the source of the dust. Separative and selfish attitudes cloud the mind-mirror and block our vision. In a little note at the end of letter 71 in the Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, Mahatma KH defines an enlightened being as one from whom:

No curtain hides the spheres Elysian,
Nor these poor shells of half transparent dust;
For all that blinds the spirit's vision
Is pride and hate and lust. . . .

And so dust we must. If we want to peer into our mirror mind, we have to clear the normal accumulation of personal attachments on a regular basis. Perhaps you can even use this metaphor when you have to clean dusty objects in your outer environment, to remind yourself of the need for removing self-serving matter from your inner world. This is the matter that really matters.

Too Much of a Good Thing

By Betty Bland

Originally printed in the NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2006 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation:Bland, Betty. "Too Much of a Good Thing." Quest  94.5 (NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2006):186-188.

Theosophical Society - Betty Bland served as President of the Theosophical Society in America and made many important and lasting contributions to the growth and legacy of the TSA.

"Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it," we often hear. In the middle of July, we wish for cold, and in mid-February, we long for hot summer days. If we are suffering a drought, we long for rains, but in flood conditions we cannot bear to see any more rain. This also is true for rest and work, depending on whether we are fatigued or bored. And so the list goes on. We are rather like Goldilocks when tasting the three bears' porridge. Papa Bear's was too hot; Mama Bear's was too cold; but Baby Bear's was just right, not extreme in either direction.

There is truth to the saying that evil is an exaggerated virtue. Knowledge is good, but too much theory without practical understanding leads to either dullness or fanaticism. Balance and proportion are crucial for the welfare of the whole. Although the underlying unity of the cosmos is undeniable, the list of apparent opposites in this manifested universe is endless: pliable and rigid, dark and light, strength and gentleness, etc. The tension between these opposites holds the whole system together and provides the field for our consciousness and growth.


The Secret Doctrine, Stanza III, sloka 10

Our universe requires a dynamic and complementary tension between the opposite forces called yin and yang, as illustrated by the Chinese symbol. Each of the equally divided dark and light portions of the revolving circle contains a germ of the other within its segment, showing that each aspect depends on the presence of the other in their eternal cosmic dance.

These energies, yin/yang, female/male, receptive/assertive, negative/positive, etc., are a part of this grand drama in which we, as participants, have to figure out how to find harmony and balance. Each of us has both types of qualities, but manifesting as male or female; we express one or the other more strongly. Yet either quality requires the mitigating presence of the other. This is true within our selves as well as in society. Protective fortitude is as necessary as sustaining nurturance. Because the masculine aspect has been overemphasized for several millennia, today, the need for finding balance through increased appreciation for the feminine is gaining expression.

Consider the image of the potter and clay. Being the clay or material to be shaped unto a useful vessel, we have to undergo the molding process. So that we may contain the feminine aspect of receptivity, we are shaped into a hollow that is open to spirit. Yet our substance has to be strong and resistant enough (a masculine quality) to be able to form and maintain a sturdy shape. When the clay is too wet and soft to be worked, it will collapse in on itself and be unable to function as a vessel. A balance in strength and pliability is needed.

We cannot promote one aspect of our nature over another. We have to be receptive to pine spirit, but we also have to present robust material for the potter's use. Therefore we need to develop a self-responsible, self-reliant strength that does not crumble under whatever energy happens our way. In order to be whole in our development we require strength of identity and purpose, while at the same time maintaining a gentle receptivity. If one day, we are to serve as teachers and masters of wisdom, we need to balance equally the masculine and feminine qualities within.

The chalice, a symbol of the feminine because its concave shape provides it with a potential for being filled, has always been a part of the Christian tradition. In spite of its importance in the sacrament of communion, however, the chalice has not held a prominent place in religious iconography. Possibly the chalice's low visibility has been symptomatic of the Church's limited acknowledgement of the feminine.

In fact, the West's long love affair with the Arthurian grail legends may have been spawned by this lack of feminine empowerment. The stories abound with brave and gallant knights charging in quest of the elusive grail. Nevertheless, it turns out that it is not bravery which wins the goal, but a receptive, purity of heart. Moreover, woven throughout the tales of adventure are encounters with powerful women who must be reckoned with along the way. The knights were seeking and being challenged by the feminine.

In the Hindu tradition, we find another story which prompts the audience to rethink and honor the feminine. Long ago there was a young aspiring yogini who longed to be the disciple of a great teacher. She approached him several times but was not even allowed past his outer devotees. In spite of rebuffs and ridicule, she persisted and finally gained audience with him. He promptly dismissed her youthful enthusiasm with the pronouncement that he did not accept females as his students. After persistent supplications on her part however, he accepted her argument that "all humanity must become feminine, or receptive, to pine spirit." He recognized in her argument a truth that resulted from an inner experience of wholeness and spiritual maturity.

Consideration of the feminine principle does not mean that we should promote one quality over the other, but that we should enhance that quality which has been most lacking in empowerment and acknowledgement. In doing so, we can achieve greater balance, in both our personal lives and in society around us. Equal appreciation of both qualities generates wholeness and encourages the full expression of humanity. Just as we would not choose to use only one eye, one leg, or one hand, so we should not choose to strengthen one of these aspects over another.

Whichever quality is less in your comfort zone is the one to pursue. Honor the receptiveness within your self, that you might be open to others, to nature, and to the Spirit that pours its power into our inner sanctuary; develop your strength of character, self-assertion, and action so that you might be of greater service to the world. Develop the mettle to hold the form, and the emptiness to become the receptive hollow. Be whole in both weakness and strength.

In Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart, edited by Christina Feldman and Jack Kornfield, on page 283, the following illustration is given in a repertoire of the Dalai Lama's parables. Once, the spirit of a famous guru appeared in order to heal a small, discordant community of monks. All the monks had seen the spirit come out of the wall long enough to utter just one word. But each monk had heard a different word. The event is immortalized in this poem:

The one who wanted to die heard live.

The one who wanted to live heard die.

The one who wanted to take heard give.

The one who wanted to give heard keep.

The one who was always alert heard sleep.

The one who was always asleep heard wake.

The one who wanted to leave heard stay.

The one who wanted to stay, depart.

The one who never spoke heard preach.

The one who always preached heard pray.

Each one learned how he had been

In someone else's way.

Originally told by Pierre Delattre

That which makes us whole, will be neither too much nor too little, but just right.

Embracing the Feminine: A Search for Meaning and Healing


By Annie Kaufman

Theosophical Society - Annie KaufmanMy life began as a religious journey and has evolved as a process of spiritual growth. As a little girl my mother took me and my sisters to the Methodist Church. I was confirmed as a Methodist, and received my Bible before we moved away in 1965, when I was nine years old.

After my parents divorced, my mother took us to a Catholic church where I went to catechism and was baptized. Later, while in high school, I became a Mormon. As a Mormon, I wanted to broaden my education, so I studied complicated works from assorted lists of the "best books" one could read. I began my studies and searched for the meaning of my life with fierce diligence, believing this would help me cope with my childhood phobia of people. My list of books included chosen works by Hesse, Thomas Mann, and Dostoevsky.

Later, I spent a year and a half as a missionary in Ecuador. This helped me grow beyond my love affair with the Mormons and at the age of twenty-five, I left the Mormon Church, feeling its structure and rules did not truly help me with my discomfort in social situations. I still pored over spiritual texts and self-help books looking for answers to my struggle with anxiety. I used meditation, mindfulness, the medical profession, and other healing techniques to deal with this emotion and the physical ailments that accompany it.

During this period of study and contemplation which was partly due to illness, I became conscious of my connection with the planet. I was fascinated with the experience of expanded consciousness that occurred when reading inspiring literature and when I was alone in nature. Feeling my energy merge with my surroundings, I realized I could communicate with plants, animals, and objects especially when I walked and played my Native American flute. This experience of merging with nature became a source of healing and nurture in my otherwise chaotic world.

H. P. Blavatsky writes about "invisible intelligent Existences" in The Secret Doctrine (611) and refers to electricity and all the forces of light and heat as "gods" and indicates this understanding of energy was taught by the ancient Egyptians and the Hindus. These and other cultures have their stories of gnomes, geniis, little people, fairies, and the like which modern society dismisses as superstition.

Such entities are actually representatives of these invisible powers and are diverse expressions of the way the powers have always looked to, or been described by, the humans with whom they communicate. Through plants, animals, the wind, and other forces of nature, we see reflections here on earth both of our political chaos and the chaos in our souls.

I tried to understand my metaphysical experiences by studying science: basic quantum physics, genetics, and Western medicine. I wanted to know how the experiences of dreams and insights that were so astounding to me and touched my life occurred. I wanted to know intellectually why Einstein searched for a unifying principle; as I hoped this would explain what I felt intuitively.

The University of Chicago's Masters in Liberal Arts program provided me the opportunity to continue my multi-faceted investigation of what I now called the Universe. I received little support in my pursuits from peers and friends, who asked: "What will you do with that degree?" They wanted to know, I think, how it was going to translate into monetary value in my life. I explained I had already made the changes in my career that I felt were most beneficial to me, such as working part-time as a nurse. I found that the healing part of my experience and studies is what has been of greatest import in my life. The Masters program also introduced me to film-making as a way of journaling my experiences as they happened, which I felt was very important in my healing process.

Given the response I normally received when the topic came up, I did not talk about the Masters program. However, it introduced me to the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu scripture, and this book became part of the focus for my Masters project. In class, I recommended reading a chapter or parts of the book straight through and aloud, for hearing it spoken gave a richer sense of its original feeling and rhythm as well as its place in the culture in which it was created.

I knew I wanted to complete my project, both the film and the thesis, in a style that was attentive to both the moment and could direct the readers' attention to themselves. I had read Walden in high school, and Thoreau exemplified this approach to living, attending to and documenting what he saw and his connection to the universe. By discussing Walden along with the Bhagavad Gita in my project and documentary, I found a way to describe why I was looking at the right-brained thinking as a path to experiencing the interconnected web of life. I felt that this feminine thinking style, when squashed, leads to mental illness. This had been my experience and I wanted to demonstrate that when nurtured, this connection to the feminine leads to healing of both body and soul.

I created a documentary called Dostoevsky, the Gita, Walden and Anne to display this thinking style. It was inspired in part by an incident that happened at the Theosophical Society in Wheaton. During a weekend workshop on music and healing with Don Campbell, I was asked to respond to a small white box, the kind you get at the jewelry store when you buy a pair of earrings. Inside my box was a seed, a string, a blade of grass, and the smiling face of boy cut out from a magazine. I decided to dance in response to the box and found a copy of Pachelbel's Canon to dance to. As I danced, I knew this would be the first dance I would use in my film project. Using my understanding of the Bhagavad Gita as a springboard, I divided the movie into three parts, three being a sacred number, with "The Seed" representing creation and the beginning; "The Fruit of Life" describing reality in life's middle, and "Dissolution" representing death and destruction.

I filmed the first dance on the deck just outside my front door. In the second dance, I hummed an accompaniment to the Canon, dancing in between two mirrors in my bathroom so that my arms represent the many arms of Shiva, the Indian god of destruction. The last dance completes life's cycle, and to my surprise my neighbor walked by with his dog as I was filming late at night. I wanted to stop dancing, but the beginning of the dance had worked so well that I kept going. Later I read that Aesclepius, the Greek god of healing has a dog as his companion. Realizing this, I decided it was fitting to leave him and his dog in the film.

While showing my movie to friends and discussing it at the Theosophical Society, I realized I wanted to read The Secret Doctrine. Reading the Gita aloud in class was really an introductory step that led to reading The Secret Doctrine straight through. I realized it had been written and intentionally organized as a book, so that was the way I wanted to read it. I had started attending a Spiritualist Church and when I found that HPB met Colonel Olcott at a Spiritualist meeting in New York, I realized that my new interests, both in Spiritualism and in her book, were intertwining in an interesting way.

Seeing me with the book, a few of the staff at Olcott expressed incredulity, "Nobody reads The Secret Doctrine, at least not straight through!" I replied jokingly, "I said I was going to read it, not understand it." Then, when checking it out for the third or fourth time from the library, the librarian said, "You don't read that book straight through," to which I replied "Yes, you do, or I mean, you can!" (By then I was beginning to doubt myself and wondered if this project was beyond me after all.)

At first I found the book to be boring, technical, and disorganized. Even though I recognized this as what I expected right-brained writing would be like, I didn't find that my own propensity to write in this seemingly disconnected style made reading or understanding it any easier. Throughout The Secret Doctrine, HPB constantly moves from topic to topic. She might begin by discussing seven rays of energy or consciousness, and then shift to discussing different entities while throwing in the wisdom of the Chaldean peoples of Mesopotamia and the Semites and Egyptians of antiquity! Having read so many books, she referenced famous and obscure thinkers with whom I had little connection, decrying or exclaiming over thoughts by Descartes, Kant, Aristotle, Plato, Leibniz, and a certain Professor Crookes, among others.

In the end, I decided to tackle this book as I had tackled the works I had read in quantum physics or biology: I simply plowed through. I just kept going, and though still aware of the dryness, I stayed alert for the little pearls of wisdom interspersed among the difficult parts.

Then I noticed something quite unique: After the first three or four months—and about four hundred pages or so into the book—as I started flipping back to remind myself where HPB had been or what connection or line of thought she was following, the information on the previous pages seemed to rise up off the page, alive with new clarity, insight, and, yes, delight. This amazed me and it was not an occasional experience. I found it breathtaking. A friend commented that perhaps I had needed the overview in order to see HPB's ideas clearly when I returned to them from a point later on in the book. I am still not sure, but every time I looked at something I had already read, it seemed to have this new sparkle, this new freshness, about it.

I realized I was learning a great deal, and in my mind, I put together an amazing connection between Ancient Wisdom and my questions about the interconnected web of life. At the time, I was also reading Neil Douglas-Klotz's Desert Wisdom, which deals with creation religions that celebrate cosmogony, or the beginning of time, in scripture, song, and practice. As this is also the subject of The Secret Doctrine, the two studies went together, hand in hand.

Reading The Secret Doctrine and Desert Wisdom together, I realized how over time the feminine principle or the aspect of spirituality has been erased from the external forms of so many of today's world religions While I belonged to three different Christian churches, I had also read Judaism, Islam, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Zen and Buddhism. I discovered that the ancient teachings string these ancient philosophical systems together and reconcile them. Tidbits of this information are to be found scattered in Egyptian papyri and in isolated sentences in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

While reviewing these diverse descriptions of our beginnings, I found it comforting to know that between universes, consciousness is not lost. As HPB says,

Everything will have re-entered the Great Breath . . . reabsorption is by no means such a "dreamless sleep," but, on the contrary, absolute existence, an unconditioned unity, or a state, to describe which human language is absolutely and hopelessly inadequate. . . Nor is the individuality—nor even the essence of the personality, if any be left behind" lost, because reabsorbed. . . the same monad will re-emerge therefrom, as a still higher being, on a far higher plane, to recommence its cycle of perfected activity.

From a human perspective, each of these universes last billions of years, and I'm not sure why this thought comforted me, except perhaps that I also know that all the universes and time exist in the breath of the One. Our time—our universe—although real to us, is actually an experience of that oneness in all its aspects; a oneness that exists outside of time.

I think about this paradox as I move through life; that life is real and in the same moment, it is not real. Life has more to do with the process than with the material items we find around us. These material things, the trees, rocks, and the glories of nature, are an extension of our consciousness and as all was created, so it all exists in time and through eternity, as a point or movement in the breath of the One—or Fohat—as HPB mentions in her books.

Space opens up when it is observed, and in the beginning, from a point in eternity, all was created. The circle was created, and one human being, itself a reflection of that first point, looked to the horizon and saw that it was round.

I was celebrating the circle at a Universal Dances for Peace gathering recently and as we danced, we read a Hebrew verse from Proverbs about the beginning, which was rendered in beautiful calligraphy on a poster on the wall. The verse concerns Sacred Wisdom, also called Hokmah or Sophia in other traditions, which first desired creation and so poured herself out into the ground of being. Spinning in both directions, she created the universe. This sort of feminine beginning describes creation in most of the ancient traditions I have studied.

The Secret Doctrine mentions this spinning in that centrifugal and centripetal forces are the primary forces allowing creation to occur. The caduceus is a symbol of this one becoming two and the spinning is represented in the two snakes twining around each other in opposite directions. Thus is our fragile creation, created from and around a no-thing by the Fohat, or eternal presence, represented and taught by cultures, ancient and modern alike, arising out of the feminine aspect which was created when the one decided to become two.

H PB says when someone dies, the active agent which keeps the body alive is transformed; the preserver is transformed into the destroyer. The dissolution I danced as part three of my film is an inherent part of our process. We separate events into good and evil, constructive and destructive, and by siding ourselves with one, we create the "other" outside of ourselves with whom we then fight. Through our faiths and spiritual practices we experience the oneness I described earlier. But the difficulty comes when we try to deal with the split and the resulting differentiation—when one becomes two, male and female—and we start judging which is best. We think light is better than dark; that light is good, darkness evil. These qualities are part of the split in the origin of the universe, nothing more. When the forces are out of balance, it means the destructive force is out of balance, and we experience disharmony and discord. This view of life as opposition, with white representing good and black evil, creates strife. We can change our cultural perspective by choosing to use different symbols.

Life is more like a wheel with spokes than an endless array of opposites. These spokes can extend from the same center to create all sorts of positions on the circle of life. It is difficult for humans when their spiritual paths insist on one of these forces as being the only right one. This leads to strife and conflict. We struggle internally over what we deem to be right and true, and our own destructive forces use this struggle to create chaos around us.

Adding the feminine to the picture helps us create balance and harmony. Remember that Sacred Wisdom, Hokmah or Sophia, desired creation and that this being was one. Referring back to the scripture I mentioned earlier, by pouring out the one became two, and with the creation of matter there were now three. This split in the forces of male and female creates and brings forth the child. These forces are also two: creation and destruction, birth and death. These two intertwine around this creation, as the clockwise and counterclockwise spirals. When one of the forces shifts strongly out of balance, eventually its very state of imbalance brings about an opposing reaction.

We have been in throes of penetrating masculine energy at the expense of our nurturing feminine side. Our culture has been based on opposites: right and wrong, plus and minus, action and reaction. Our misguided interpretation of Newtonian physics is now being corrected by quantum physics in which uncertainty and probability can now be discussed. By using the sacred circle, we can see there are many spokes on the wheel connecting us to all the positions on any given topic. If we change our mentality from "us and them" to "me and all others, who are also me," we may be able to effect real change on this planet.

Now I often sit and let my personal battle rage within me without doing or changing anything in my relationships. I remind myself to look at what my situation is today, for example, by checking in with my significant other instead of making decisions without his input. I struggle to remain kind to the people around me, because this is what I can do. I engage others with kindness as often as I can. I find that while the kindness has not changed them, it has changed me. And sooner or later, my soul's position changes, possibly because I have continued to love from where I am.

I remember what HPB said about levels of consciousness, that higher means less material, not necessarily better, and I try not to judge who is right and who is wrong. In this, I am guided by what I now know was present in the beginning, feminine receptive Wisdom and Mystery. And in the words of my dear friend Verena, who is in her seventies, "ever since I met Sacred Mystery, I have been joyful."
