Saturday Group

Theosophy and World Religions – a written course by Robert Elwood
2nd Saturday of the month, 1:00 2:00 p.m. CT
with Barbara Hebert and Jayne Fleener
Join at any time!

Join us as we delve into some of the fundamental teachings of several major religious traditions and the principles that they share with Theosophy. Explore the concepts of a universal wisdom known as the Ageless Wisdom, which encompasses knowledge about the divine nature of the universe and humanity.

Each month the group will reflect on the selected chapter/s of the study guide Theosophy and World Religions. During the meeting specific passages will be shared and discussed. Participants are encouraged to read the chapter/s before the meeting. Click here to download a PDF version of the study guide. The videos listed below are offered as additional resources to enrich the self-study process before each meeting.

September 14, 2024
Introduction: Theosophy and Religion / What is Religion?
Summer National Convention 2023
Dalai Lama: Bridging the Faith Divide

October 12, 2024
The Hindu Vision
The Upanishads: The Sacred Texts which Shaped India and the West with Dr. Jeffrey Long
Wisdom of Bhagavad Gita with Eduardo Javier Gramaglia

November 9, 2024
Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta
The Essence of Advaita Vedanta Tradition with Janani Cleary
The Wisdom of Patañjali's Yoga Sutras with Judith Sugg

December 14, 2024
The Buddha's Life and Message
Mindfulness, Bliss and Enlightenment with Ajahn Brahm
Awakening to the Way Things Are with Ajahn Viradhammo

January 11, 2025
Confucianism / Taoism
Embodying the Yin and Yang of Taoism with Don Myers

February 8, 2025
The Hebrew Scriptures and Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrer and the First Enlightenment with Rasoul Sorkhabi

March 8, 2025
Becoming a Hidden Saint with Rabbi Rami Shapiro

April 12, 2025
Jesus and Early Christianity / Varieties of Christianity and Christian Mysticism
Mystical Christianity as the Path to Divine Union with Carl McColman
Glory Be! Discovering Christianity's Mystical Roots with Gabriele Uhlein

May 10, 2025
Muhammad and Islam
Mystery, Beauty and Bewilderment in Islam with Imam Jamal Rahman
In the Footprints of Rumi with Pouria Montazeri


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BarbaraBarbara Hebert, PhD, is a third-generation Theosophist who has been involved in local, regional, and national offices throughout her years of membership, including two terms as the National President of the Theosophical Society in America. She has also had a long career as a mental health practitioner and educator.

JayneJayne Fleener, PhD, is a career educator, scholar and futurist. She is currently Dean and Professor Emerita at North Carolina State University. Her recent book Learning and Leading in an Age of Transformation is published in the Living in an Age of Transformation series where she serves as co-editor. Personal website:





Program Format

This is a live, interactive online program. This program will not be recorded.

Join online via ​a Zoom link that will be emailed upon your registration. Please download Zoom for free at and test your connection at For further information, check out or email