The Yoga of Krishna

Saturdays, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. CT  
June 1 - July 6 (4 classes, no classes June 15 and 22)
TS Members: $70 • Nonmembers: $80


Yoga of Krishna Rav Ravindra 6.1.24The main spiritual teaching of Krishna is in the Bhagavad Gita which is perhaps the single most important text to emerge from India. In his response to Arjuna’s crisis about his actions, the incarnate god Krishna asserts that no action can be right unless the actor is right. To become the right actor, a searcher has to undertake the discipline of yoga.

The main yoga that Krishna teaches in the Bhagavad Gita is Buddhi Yoga. Buddhi is at a level of the mind much higher than the usual analytical mind (manas) which is often driven by the fears and desires arising from the body. Buddhi has a personal psychological aspect as well as a trans-personal cosmological aspect. A practitioner of Buddhi Yoga becomes aware of the trans-personal spiritual energy that has created our body-mind and can control the manas and the body and undertake the right action.

It can be said that Buddhi Yoga acts as a conductor in an “orchestra of yogas,” sometimes calling a practitioner to engage in the yoga of action (karma yoga), sometimes the yoga of sacred knowledge (jñana yoga) and sometimes the yoga of love and devotion (bhakti yoga).  As such, it plays a pivotal role on the spiritual path, and a correct understating of it is essential for all spiritual aspirants.

In this course, we will explore Buddhi Yoga in-depth, as well as study the other yogas mentioned by Krishna.

Registrants will receive on-demand access to recording(s) that can be viewed for two weeks following the conclusion of the program. Late registrants will receive recording links to all missed sessions.

register button for programs

Ravi Ravindra1Ravi Ravindra, Ph.D., is an author and professor emeritus at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he served as a professor in comparative religion, philosophy, and physics. A lifetime member of the Theosophical Society, he has taught many courses at the School of the Wisdom in Adyar and the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, California. He was a member of the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, a fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study in Shimla, and the founding director of the Threshold Award for Integrative Knowledge. For more information visit

Program Format

This is a live, interactive online program that will also be recorded. All registrants will receive on-demand access to recording(s) that can be viewed for two weeks following the conclusion of the program.

Join online via ​a Zoom link that will be emailed upon your registration. Please download Zoom for free at, and test your connection at For further information, check out or email: