The Journey of a Pilgrim  

Saturdays, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. CT  
June 7 – 28 (4 classes)

 The Pilgrim Journey A Deep Inquiry into Self and the Unknown Ravi Ravindra May 31Throughout human history, a few serious searchers have been drawn to the journey of radical inner transformation. Some are motivated by a sense of wonder about their true nature: “Who am I?” Others experience fear: “When I die, is that the end?”

Each searcher is a pilgrim on a journey, and this journey consists of many stages. There is a shift from “I have a question” to “I am in question.” As pilgrims embark on serious self-inquiry, they must address common dangers. Along the way, the seeker is occasionally blessed by a strong vision of Mysterious Presence beyond description.  The Mystery remains and the searcher no longer denies It; the Mystery nourishes pilgrims and encourages them to continue. 

A seeker sooner or later realizes that the goal of the search – “Enlightenment,” for example – is constructed by the mind and driven by a wish for attainment. Interests shift from an imagined destination to the joy of the journey itself. Connecting with a group of fellow searchers is a rich part of that journey. 

This course is intended to assist our individual searches in practical ways. We will look at the teachings of the great sages and then wrestle with them, exchanging our insights, doubts, and difficulties with our fellow pilgrims.

Registrants will receive on-demand access to recording(s) that can be viewed for two weeks following the conclusion of the program. Late registrants will receive recording links to all missed sessions.

 TS members: $70 • Nonmembers: $80

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Course Topics

  • The pilgrim’s questions and motivations
  • Stages of the journey, the shifts that follow
  • Pitfalls and blessings on the path
  • Balancing spiritual and material energies

Suggested Preparation

Write briefly about your thoughts and feelings regarding these questions:

  • What or who am I?
  • Why have I been created?
  • What can assist my search?

Recommended Reading

Books by Ravi Ravindra:

Ravi Ravindra1Ravi Ravindra, Ph.D., is an author and professor emeritus at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he served as a professor in comparative religion, philosophy, and physics. A lifetime member of the Theosophical Society, he has taught many courses at the School of the Wisdom in Adyar and the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, California. He was a member of the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, a fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study in Shimla, and the founding director of the Threshold Award for Integrative Knowledge. For more information visit

 Program Format

This is a live, interactive online program that will also be recorded. Registrants will receive on-demand access to recording(s) that can be viewed for two weeks following the conclusion of the program.

Join online via ​a Zoom link that will be emailed upon your registration. Please download Zoom for free at and test your connection at For further information, check out or email