At Home with Theosophy: Seeking the True Self

Mondays, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. CT  
September 9 – 30 (4 classes)  
Suggested cost: $60


At Home With Theosophy Seeking_the_True_SelfThe renowned aphorism "Man Know Thyself" was inscribed at the entrance of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece. Numerous spiritual traditions have emphasized that suffering and conflict stem from our lack of understanding of our true selves. However, attaining self-knowledge is challenging. It involves stripping away layers of false beliefs and erroneous identities, as well as cultivating a profound perception of our spiritual nature. 

In this program, which is based on his book Evolution of the Higher Consciousness, Pablo Sender will present an esoteric perspective of human beings and teach the four meditative practices of self-examination, self-inquiry, self-observation and self-dwelling.

The course will assist participants in gaining insights and cultivating practical skills to aid their quest for self-knowledge, such as:

  • Examination of one's personality to identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Deliberate and methodical cultivation of virtues
  • Recognition of false identities and labels that veil one's true nature
  • Impartial observation of one's thoughts, emotions, and actions to understand personal tendencies and motives
  • Fostering inner peace and quietude through meditation and contemplative practices, allowing for a clearer perception of one's higher nature
  • Perceiving oneself from a holistic perspective, recognizing the different aspects of one's being

Our engaging format fosters active learning:

  • Each week, you will receive a private link to one of Pablo’s pre-recorded lectures to watch at your own convenience.
  • Each live session will focus on immersive discussions surrounding the concepts presented in the lecture.
  • Sessions will also include interactive exercises specifically designed for the group, as well as supplementary activities to enrich the learning experience.

Registrants will receive on-demand access to recording(s) that can be viewed for two weeks following the conclusion of the program. Late registrants will receive recording links to all missed sessions.

register button for programs 

While we offer a sliding scale for fees, we encourage you to support the continuation of this series by making an offering of at least $60.

If you are unable to pay the minimum fee due to hardship, please email for assistance.

Pablo SenderPablo Sender, Ph.D., became a member of the Theosophical Society in his native Argentina and has presented Theosophical lectures, seminars, and classes around the world. He is the author of Approaching the Secret Doctrine and Evolution of the Higher Consciousness, and his articles have been published in several Theosophical journals. Learn more at


Program Format

This is a live, interactive online program that will also be recorded. Registrants will receive on-demand access to recording(s) that can be viewed for two weeks following the conclusion of the program.

Join online via ​a Zoom link that will be emailed upon your registration. Please download Zoom for free at and test your connection at For further information, check out or email