The Aquarian Shaman:  An Interview with Linda Star Wolf

Thursday, February 27, 7:00 p.m. CT 


 The Aquarian Shaman An Interview with Linda Star Wolf Feb 27Linda Star Wolf, PhD, has been a shamanic visionary teacher and guide to thousands of people over the last four decades. In her latest book, The Aquarian Shaman: Walking the Spiral Path of Transformation The Aquarian Shaman: Walking the Spiral Path of Transformation, she shares ancient shamanic practices, rituals, ceremonies, and wisdom to help reintroduce magic and enchantment into everyday life and awaken the Aquarian Shaman within. Dedicating her life to helping others release dysfunctional patterns of all kinds and radically transform their lives, Star Wolf teaches people how to awaken to the Bigger Picture, embody their own inner visionary Aquarian Shaman and step into a life of passionate purpose. In this interview with Richard Smoley, editor of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America, Linda explains the major components of shamanic practice and explores techniques to access the realm of imagination, including Shamanic Breathwork and spirit journeying.

Linda Star Wolf HeadshotLinda Star Wolf, PhD, DMin, has been a visionary shamanic guide for more than thirty-five years. The founder of Venus Rising Association for Transformation and president of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies, she is the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork Process, the Shamanic Ministers Global Network, and the Wise Wolf Council. She lives with her beloved husband, wolf dogs, chickens, and community at Venus Rising’s Elemental Temples near Asheville, North Carolina. 

This program will be streamed on YouTube and our website on Thursday, February 27 at 7:00 p.m. CT.

You can also join Linda Star Wolf for an online workshop, “Awaken Your Aquarian Shaman through Shamanic Breathwork,” on Saturday, April 5.