For many decades, the Theosophical Society in America has provided educational support for prisoners throughout the United States. Through our published literature and a variety of correspondence courses that we provide at no charge, prisoners are given the opportunity to use their prison time for learning and self-improvement. We also offer reduced membership rates for prisoners wishing to join the Theosophical Society in America. For information on membership rates for prisoners, please contact the membership department (
The prison program enlists the aid of qualified TSA members who volunteer their time to mentor prisoners who have enrolled in one or more of our correspondence courses. For members who are interested in becoming a prison mentor, please contact the National Secretary ( for details. The prison program also coordinates its work with the Theosophical Book Gift Institute, a non-profit organization whose charter includes providing free Theosophical books to prisoners.
In a typical year we respond to many hundreds of letters from prisoners. At any given time, we have from 50 to 60 prisoners enrolled in courses. Statistics have shown that the recidivism rate among prisoners who spent time studying Theosophy is significantly lower than the national average. Here is a sampling of comments from prisoners who have been part of our program:
"I was very excited and proud to receive my certificate for completing my correspondence course. I feel my Theosophical education gives me a purpose and a sense of being.” Ryan, Texas
"I just wanted to thank you for the book you sent; it really made my Christmas.” Don, Illinois
"The hardest thing about prison is watching everyone you know forget about you. I believe in my two years of correspondence you're the first to reply.” Jeffrey, Florida
"Believe me when I tell you that in obtaining this information, I am also moved to tears.” Trandoe, Massachusetts
Your kind and generous donation will enable us to continue this service to men and women who are incarcerated. Donations will be used to defray the costs of books, instructional materials, and postage.