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Wheaton, IL
phone: 630-668-1571
fax: 630-668-4976
e-mail: info@theosophical.org
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Summer 2010 Programs
Qigong & Tai Ji for Health & Vitality |
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Qigong and Tai Ji are ancient forms of meditative movement based on Chinese traditional medicine using the mind and body to harmonize energy. These movements aid your immune system, improve mental clarity and mood, boost physical energy, and relieve stress. Renee Ryan, co-director of the Lightheart Center, has practiced the healing arts for 30 years and has studied Qigong and Tai Ji in the United States, China, and Korea. No charge during the summer. Â |
Hatha Yoga |
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Relax your body, mind, and spirit while you enjoy the extraordinary health benefits of yoga designed to help the body rejuvenate and strengthen itself. Ellen Duff is a graduate of the White Lotus Foundation teacher training. session I (7 weeks) May 1 - June 19 $65 guests $56 members (prepaid) or $12 per class  |
 Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m., June 22 - August 31 Healing Circle - Meditation and Practice |
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A healing circle meditation focusing on personal and global healing requests, followed by breakout groups of various healing methods such as Reiki and Therapeutic Touch. No experience necessary. Â |
Sundays, 11 a.m. Meditation Group will meet all summer. |
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Discussion, guided meditation, and silent meditation are included. All are welcome!Jim Bosco has been a student of Theosophy and meditation for 35 years.
No charge. Donations appreciated. |
Sundays, 5:30 – 7 p.m. Discovering Enlightenment: The Wisdom of the Advaita Masters |
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This is a course of practical work toward learning how to stand in higher consciousness. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj tells us how to do this by describing the natural state of awareness to seekers who discovered his enlightened presence. His advice was recorded and published as I Am That. Each week we read seekers’ questions and Nisargadatta’s replies from the book and select exercises to work on during the week. At the next meeting we share our self-observations. One may join the course at any time. Suggested donation each class: $5 |
Sundays, May 23 – July 11 - August 22 Gurdjieff 4th Way Study Group - 2:00 -3:00 p.m. |
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Study Group In Theosophical terms, to free ourselves from identifying with fears and desires so that we are able to abide in higher consciousness is work of an ongoing psychological nature. This work is the intentional effort required for humanity to evolve from the Fifth Race to the Sixth Race. British psychotherapist Dr. Maurice Nicoll was a close friend and early pupil of G. I. Gurdjieff and C. G. Jung, and in this ongoing study group, we will read and discuss Dr. Nicoll's talks and engage in the psychological exercises and Gurdjieffian “Stop†exercises* suggested by him. Prior knowledge of Gurdjieff's teaching is not required. Used copies of the textbook by Nicoll, Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff & Ouspensky, Volume I, will be available for $20. Suggested donation—$10 per class (or $5 if also attending Dream Circle) |
Nature Days: Awareness and Action
April - October (2 Saturday and 5 Sundays)
Connect with nature, yourself, and others.
Spiritual Roundtable
Mondays, 7-8:30 pm
An open discussion exploring a different topic each week from multiple religious and spiritual perspectives. in the library of the Theosophical Society in America. No charge
Theosophical Study Group
Wednesdays, 7 p.m., beginning August 4
A Theosophical Study Group meets together to read from selected Theosophical works in a format designed to encourage discussion and research. No charge.
Drama Troupe
Thursdays, 5:00 p.m. Family-oriented plays and performance pieces will be designed and produced for various events such as Hootie Hoo, Storytelling Carnival & Campout, Fun Night, TheosoFEST. No acting experience necessary.
Knights in the Morning (All levels of players welcome!)
Saturday morning Chess, 10 a.m. – Noon
Free outdoor music festival! Three bands every Saturday night: August 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 6 to 9 p.m.
Have a family picnic and listen to great music in a beautiful outdoor evening setting! Another alcohol-free event sponsored by Friends of Olcott.
TheosoFESTSaturday, September 11, 9am - 6pmCelebrate the unity of all life. |
Fall 2010 Progams
To go to Ongoing Classes Click here
Thursday, September 16 - 7:00 p.m. World Predictions 2011 |
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Interpret current events through Vedic Astrology as James Kelleher shares insights on the economy, the war on terrorism, earth changes, and the state of the world during the next fifteen years. Jim will interpret a variety of interesting charts of people and countries in the news in a way that even the nonastrologer can understand. James Kelleher is cofounder of the American Council of Vedic Astrology and the American College of Vedic Astrology. Author of Path of Light, a comprehensive introduction to Vedic astrology, Jim also maintains a busy private practice in Los Gatos, CA. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Saturday, September 18, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, September 19, 2010 Moving into Meditation: Mindful Yoga and Meditation Retreat |
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ITake time away from your busy schedule for this residential retreat that will integrate and enliven your body and mind. Yoga sessions (two 2-1/2 hour yoga sessions on Saturday and one on Sunday morning) led by Linda Karl incorporate passive Yin poses and active Yang (slow flow style) poses. All sessions include mindfulness meditation. A vegetarian dinner will be provided Saturday by a local Indian restaurant, and Bhante Sujatha will give a workshop on loving-kindness on Saturday evening. Please bring an open mind, a basic knowledge of yoga, yoga mat and props, as well as your own vegetarian food for Saturday lunch and Sunday breakfast. Accommodations limited to 20 participants. $195 guests $156 members Linda Karl’s first OMwas in 1973 and she has been a spiritual seeker ever since. Over the last 15 years Linda has immersed herself in the study and practice of the complete path of classical yoga and meditation, cultivating a breath-based, heart centered yoga practice, training in the United States and in India. Read more at http://lindakarl.net. |
Thursday, September 23 - 7:00 p.m. Autumnal Equinox: Finding Equilibrium |
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The Autumnal Equinox is a powerful time of balancing. It also reminds us of the cyclic nature of life as the Earth progresses through the seasons and we experience birth, growth, inevitable ageing and death, and then rebirth. Seeking harmony in our relationships, we will explore some practical aspects of achieving balance and harmony in daily action. Dorothy Bell, an Australian native, first visited America in 1990 as a Fulbright scholar in Education. Lecturing internationally in America, New Zealand, India, and Australia, Dorothy’s special interest is making Theosophy practical—with a focus on the process of transformation and liberation from the veils of social conditioning. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Saturday, September 25, 7-10 p.m. Open Mic Soirée [An Evening Party] |
$3/person. Free to performers |
Thursday, September 30 - 7:00 p.m. Living Life as Sacred Theatre: To Be and How To Be |
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Explore the relevance of the theatrical element to one’s individual life as Peg Rubin provides a fresh viewpoint, combining interest in the theatre with a dedication to the process of generating creativity and aliveness. Margaret (Peggy)Nash Rubin is founding director of the Center for Sacred Theatre in Ashland, Oregon. Primary activities of the Center include the creation of workshops in Living Life as Sacred Theatre and Sacred Studies of the Divine Feminine. Working with Dr. Jean Houston, Peggy Rubin has presented classes, workshops, and trainings in countries around the world. Book signing afterwards. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Saturday, October 2, 2010, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Soul, Spirit, and the Powers of Sacred Theatre: Entering a Dialogue for Eternity |
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The play of life is a daring adventure, and in Sacred Theatre you are invited to fulfill a sacred task. It takes courage, focus, excitement, and intention to stop letting your life story just happen passively. Claim your rightful place as the star in your own life and stand up to enact it with verve and delight! Margaret Nash (Peggy) Rubin is founding director of the Center for Sacred Theatre in Ashland, Oregon. She is also the principal teaching associate of Jean Houston, Ph.D., in Dr. Houston’s worldwide multicultural transformational work and in her schools of spiritual studies, as well as a member of the core faculty of the School for Social Artistry, an intensive leadership training program. $150 guests $120 members |
Thursday, October 7, 7:00 pm The ABCs of Theosophy |
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Theosophy is Ancient (going back to primeval human times), Basic (dealing with the fundamental questions of life), and Contemporary (applicable to the problems we face today in our personal and collective lives). The ideas of Theosophy inspire the ideals that the Theosophical Society calls us to act on. John Algeo, PhD, served for nine years as president of the Theosophical Society in America. He has been international vice-president of the Theosophical Society and has lectured at Theosophical meetings throughout the world. Suggested donation—$10 per class (or $5 if also attending Dream Circle) |
Thursday, October 14. 7:00 pm Does Intention Create the World? |
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Although we speak of the world "out there", the Buddha taught that the beginning and the end of the world is to be found within this body and mind. He encouraged us to use the reflective nature of the mind to see this world as it is being created based on our views, perceptions, and thoughts so that we can understand the power of intention. This insight frees us from the victim mentality, and allows us to choose the type of world we create. John Cianciosi is author of The Meditative Path (Quest Books, 2001.) and a student of the late Venerable Ajahn Chah. He was ordained a Buddhist monk in 1972 and served as spiritual director of monasteries in Thailand and Australia. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Saturday, October 16, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (rain date: October 23) Work Party on the Olcott grounds |
Saturday, October 16, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Therapeutic Touch workshop: Learning a Healing Modality |
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Learn the holistic principles of TT; it will be demonstrated, basic uses described, and a short history given. Experience how TT can be integrated into one’s life for peace and relaxation as well as into working with others for healing. Hands-on practice is included. This workshop is for individual n the health care field and non-medical caregivers. Sue Wright, RN, DNSc., studied Therapeutic Touch with Dora Kunz for several years. Ms. Wright has taught nursing courses at the University of Illinois and leads Therapeutic Touch workshops around the country. $55 guests (lunch on your own) $45 members |
Thursday, October 21. 7:00 pm Your Voice, Music, and Healing |
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Who would have thought that this little gift inside each and every one of us, stores a potential so potent, so personal, so expressive, that we can actually heal ourselves with it? From ancient cultures to contemporary scientific methods, information about using vocal sound to help a person become whole is fascinating and astounding. Darlene will introduce us to this marvelous world sharing some of her personal experiences with sound healing. Darlene Koldenhoven is a Grammy award winner and has a Masters degree in Voice and Bachelors in Music Education. She is a vocalist, producer, sound healer, composer, credentialed educator, and author of Tune Your Voice: Singing and Your Mind’s Musical Ear (book w/7CDs). More information is available at DarleneKoldenhoven.com. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Friday, October 22, 7 p.m. Interfaith Peace Prayers Group |
People from all faith traditions are warmly invited to attend. Prayers of peace from all traditions are read to bring out the commonality of all religions. The purpose is to bring people together to pray for peace in these turbulent times. Please join us. Mazher F. Ahmed, founder of this group and vice president and trustee for a Council of the Parliament of the World's Religions, is vice president of the Batavia Islamic Center. Donations welcome. Refreshments and conversation follow the meeting. |
Saturday, October 23, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Healing With Your Voice & Music: concert and workshop |
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Harmonize Your Mind, Body, Spirit, & Life Activate the healing power of your voice along with the many newly researched benefits of music and sound making at Darlene’s inspiring, educational, and fun adventure with sonic energy. Emerge with a freer, more confident voice, a tuned ear, and restored and balanced life energy. Don Campbell, author of The Mozart Effect says, “Enjoy Darlene’s energetic and knowledgeable invitation to Sing.†Darlene Koldenhoven is a Grammy award winner who was the featured vocalist in “Yanni, Live at the Acropolis†PBS special seen by over 1.5 billion people. Darlene has presented workshops nationwide on the voice and vibrational healing, has been asked to be an “expert in the field†speaker at many conferences on the subject, as well as writing magazine articles for New Age & New Sounds and Evolve magazines. |
Thursday, October 28. 7:00 pm A Sinner’s Semester: A Fundamental Education |
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What happens when a mildly committed Quaker from Brown University spends a semester at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia—a university created by Jerry Falwell as a center for teaching fundamentalist Christianity?. Kevin Roose’s book, The Unlikely Disciple, describes his experience, and Ron Miller will discuss some of the surprising things that Roose learned during this amazing semester. Ron Miller received his Ph.D. in the History and Literature of Religions, at Northwestern University. Cofounder of Common Ground and currently Chair of the Department of Religion at Lake Forest College, he is author of several books, including The Sacred Writings of Paul, The Gospel of Thomas, and The Hidden Gospel of Matthew. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Saturday, October 30, 7-10 p.m. Open Mic Soirée [An Evening Party] |
 Come in costume and enjoy an evening of music, comedy, poetry, and spooky stories with tea, coffee, goodies, and games. Sign up for Open Mic by contacting the library at library@theosophical.org or 630-668-1571 ext. 304. Open Mic is sponsored by Friends of Olcott and benefits the Henry S. Olcott Memorial Library. $3 per person. Free to performers and those bringing treats to share. |
Thursday, November 4, 7:00 p.m. Karma and Reincarnation |
Barbara Martin was born with the gift of seeing the aura and other spiritual phenomena. She has taught thousands of people how to better their lives by developing their spiritual nature. |
Dimitri Moraitis, author and executive director of Spiritual Arts Institute. They have coauthored Karma and Reincarnation: Unlocking Your 800 Lives to Enlightenment due to be released in the fall of 2010. |
 Book signing after the program. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members  |
Friday, November 5, 7:00 p.m. Karma and Reincarnation: Unlocking Your 800 Lives to Enlightenment |
Dimitri Moraitis and Barbara Martin offer a more experiential opportunity with Reincarnation and Karma in this workshop. Learn how you incarnate many times to experience life in all its beauty and facets. Explore how you carry the effects from past lives into this life and how the choices you are making now are shaping the experiences of lives yet to be lived. Affectionately known as the “Mozart of Metaphysics,†Barbara Y. Martin was born with the gift of seeing the aura and other spiritual phenomena in great detail. Joining Barbara is Dimitri Moraitis, author and executive director of Spiritual Arts Institute. They have also co-authored Change Your Aura, Change Your Life and The Healing Power of Your Aura, a Benjamin Franklin Book Award winner endorsed by medical luminaries C. Norman Shealy and Dr. Richard Gerber. |
Thursday, November 11, 7:00 p.m. When Soldiers Come Home |
 The war experience can’t help but change those who serve and they are often confronted with the second challenge of returning to a world that has also changed. This evening of recognition, acceptance, and reconciliation leading to healing will focus on veterans, their contributions, and their re-integration into civilian life. This multimedia presentation includes poetry, music, excerpts from letters and books, and video as the staff and friends of the Theosophical Society honor veterans of conflict. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Thursday, November 18, 7:00 p.m. Rebirth of the Esoteric Tradition 1875-2010 |
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H. P. Blavatsky, H. S. Olcott, and other Theosophical founders hold sway as champions of an eternal esoteric tradition. How does this tradition manifest today? How can postmodern people relate to this tradition in the 21st century? Stephan A. Hoeller, Ph.D., is an author and lecturer on Gnosticism, Jungian psychology, Theosophy, and other esoteric subjects. He is also presiding bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica and director of studies of the Gnostic Society in Hollywood, California. His works include Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing and Freedom: Alchemy for a Voluntary Society (both published by Quest Books). Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
 Saturday, November 20, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Red Book of C. G. Jung: Its Meaning for Our Age |
 In October 2009, the launch of The Red Book: Liber Novus generated unprecedented interest and excitement. All copies of the book (6 printings) were sold prior to publication. Jung worked on this book from 1914-1930, but it was never published. The exhibit concerning the book has shown to record audiences in NYC, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. Dr. Hoeller delivered thirteen lectures exegeses on the book early this year [available on bncrecordings.net]. In this workshop, he will present a concise statement of the content and import of this epochal work. Stephan A. Hoeller, Ph.D., is an author and lecturer on Gnosticism, Jungian psychology, Theosophy, and other esoteric subjects. He is also presiding bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica and director of studies of the Gnostic Society in Hollywood, California. His works include Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing and Freedom: Alchemy for a Voluntary Society (both published by Quest Books). |
Monday, November 22, 7:30 p.m. DuPage Inter-Faith Thanksgiving Service |
There is no charge. |
Thursday, December 2, 7:00 p.m. 2012: Or Why The World Isn’t Ending Just Yet! |
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 The latest New Age apocalyptic preoccupation is based on a curious misreading of the ancient Mayan calendar. This interpretation (rejected by Mayan elders and serious scholars alike) suggests that the calendar’s ending in 2012 portends a world-ending or at least world-changing cataclysm in that year. We’ll take a serious look at a great story woven from poor scholarship and the hope for a better world. Jim Kenney, author of Thriving in the Crosscurrent: Clarity and Hope in a Time of Cultural Sea Change (Quest Books, 2010), did his Doctoral work in Comparative Religions at Northwestern University. He is Executive Director of Common Ground and the Interreligious Engagement Project (www.iep21.org) as well as Project Coordinator of the International Interreligious Peace Council. Admission: $10 for guests - $5 for members |
Thursday, December 9, 7:00 p.m. Holiday Season Gong Meditation |
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Susan Tauster has practiced and taught Hatha and Kundalini yoga and meditation for nearly 20 years, receiving her Kundalini instructor training, including gong training, through the 3HO Foundation (based in Espanola, NM). The former publisher of Vegetarian Times magazine, Susan understands the connection between a balanced diet, yoga practice, and natural products and remedies. Please call 630-668-1571 ext. 300 to register in advance for $20. $25 at the door. |
Thursday, December 16, 7:00 p.m. Celebrate the Season |
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Marina Maestas and Paula Finnegan, TSA program manager and coordinator, and everyone present will facilitate this seasonal celebration. No charge for the program. However, at this gifting time of the year, please bring canned goods or paper products—these donations will be given to the Humanitarian Service Project, serving people in need in DuPage County all year long.  |
Friday, December 31, 6–7 a.m. Meditation for World Peace |
This is a yearly event in which people use their concentrated thought power to help generate energy for peace. Coinciding with group meditations throughout the world, we meet to help heal the sense of separation among human beings and to release light, love, and spiritual energy. Join us for refreshments after the meditation. No charge. All donations, monetary or canned/paper products, are given to the Humanitarian Service Project for people in need. |
On Going Classes |
Sundays, September 5–December 19, (No class September 19 or 26.) 11 a.m. Meditation Group |
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Each week, a topic related to meditation will be presented and discussed, followed by a brief guided meditation and longer silent meditation. Instruction will be provided for beginners, but practitioners of all levels are encouraged to share their path of meditation. Jim Bosco, a student of Theosophy and meditation for over 35 years, has studied at the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy and the Temple of Kriya Yoga. No charge. Donations appreciated. |
Sundays, May 23 – July 11 - August 22 Sundays, September 12-October 24, (7 sessions) 2:30-4:00 p.m. |
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Ginsburg’s spiritual search led him to meet Sri Madhava Ashish (nee Alexander Phipps), a Scottish engineer turned Hindu monk. Using The Masters Speak: An American Businessman Encounters Ashish and Gurdjieff (Quest Books, 2010) as the textbook, he will share the importance of paying attention to dreams, Gurdjieff’s teachings, and Ashish's wisdom and instructions about the intentional effort that is required of us to move from our identification with the personality into a higher non-egoistic consciousness. $88 guests (or $15 per class) $70 members |
Sundays, September 5–December 19, 5:30-7 p.m. Discovering Enlightenment: The Wisdom of the Advaita Masters |
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This is a course of practical work toward learning how to stand in higher consciousness. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj tells us how to do this by describing the natural state of awareness to seekers who discovered his enlightened presence. His advice was recorded and published as I Am That. Each week we read seekers’ questions and Nisargadatta’s replies from the book and select exercises to work on during the week. At the next meeting we share our self-observations. One may join the course at any time. Facilitators: Sy Ginsburg, a past president of the Miami, Florida Theosophical Society branch, who met Nisargadatta in India in 1979 and 1981; Jon Knebel and Pam King, students of Theosophy and Advaita Vedanta. Suggested donation each class: $5 |
Sundays September 5, 2-4 p. m., October 10, 10 a.m.-noon Nature Days |
No charge. Donations welcome. |
Sundays, 7 p.m. Young Theosophists |
Mondays, 7 p.m. Spiritual Discussion |
No charge. Donations welcome. |
First Tuesday of the month 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tea with Tim |
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Develop and reflect upon spiritual practice with Tim Boyd, vice-president of the Theosophical Society. Using experiential material we can develop meaningful applications of Theosophical principles pertinent to our lives. No charge. Donations welcome. |
Tuesdays, September 15–December 22, (15 classes) 6:30–8 p.m. Mindfulness Yoga |
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 Mindful Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness. It is an eclectic blend of slow Hatha yoga and deep floor poses. Mindfully explore your own edge as you grow your practice, strengthen your body, expand your heart, and free your mind. You will be challenged and supported, but most importantly, reminded to bring your attention to your body and to your breath, ending class with mindfulness meditation. Linda Karl has immersed herself in the study and practice of the complete path of classical yoga and meditation for over 15 years, having trained in the United States and in India at the prestigious Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. Linda weaves together Buddhist principles with yoga’s ancient teachings to create classes that are a tapestry of breath-body-mind-spirit. $195 guests $165 members (or $14 per class) Join Linda for Moving into Meditation: Mindful Yoga and Meditation Retreat, September 18-19. See Weekend Workshops. |
Tuesdays, September 14-October 5, 7:00-9:00 pm Beginning Astrology I |
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 In this 4-week class we will have fun identifying and understanding the basic elements of a birth chart. Together we will look at the signs, houses, planets and aspects (the relationship between planets on the wheel). This is not a class on how to interpret a birth chart! Not yet at least! When registering, please provide your birth information (birth date, birth time, and birth place). Dave will prepare charts and give them to students the first evening of class. He strongly recommends reading Sun Signs by Linda Goodman available at the Quest Book Shop. Dave Gunning has been an astrological consultant, teacher and lecturer for the past 27 years. He also has written articles for Dell Horoscope magazine. His readings come from a spiritual and psychological point of view. Guests $120 Members $105 |
Tuesday, October 12-November 2, 7-9 p.m. Beginning Astrology II |
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 Many students of astrology understand the meaning of the symbols for the signs, houses, planets, and aspects when viewed alone. When they see them all together in relationship to one another in the birth chart however, they have a difficult time interpreting what it all means. During the next 4 weeks, we will have fun combining the basic components of the birth chart, namely: signs on the house cusps, planets in the signs, and planets in the houses. If you feel that you are at this level of astrology, then this class will help you with basic chart delineation. Dave Gunning has been an astrological consultant, teacher and lecturer for the past 27 years. He also has written articles for Dell Horoscope magazine. His readings come from a spiritual and psychological point of view. Guests $120 Members $105 |
Tuesdays, 5 p.m. Drama Troupe |
Wednesdays, September 15–December 15, (14 classes), noon–1p.m. Qigong & Tai Ji for Health & Vitality |
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Qigong and Tai Ji are ancient forms of meditative movement based on Chinese traditional medicine using the mind and body to harmonize energy. These movements aid your immune system, improve mental clarity and mood, boost physical energy, and relieve stress. Renee Ryan, codirector of the Lightheart Center, has practiced the healing arts for 30 years and has studied Qigong and Tai Ji in the United States, China, and Korea. $105 guests (or $9 per class) $90 members |
Wednesdays, 5-5:30 p.m. Healing Circle |
No charge. Donations welcome. |
Wednesdays, 6:00-6:45 p.m. Theosophy in Silence |
We provide a space and time for silence in the meditation room. Sit quietly or meditate upon a quote from the chalice on the center table. No charge. Donations welcome. |
Wednesday, September 22-October13, (4 weeks) 7-9 p.m. Learning the Tarot |
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This initial level course includes an introduction and history of the tarot cards, definitions of the cards and how they relate with one another, how a tarot card layout works and why. Pitisci will show how a tarot reading mimics the thinking process of genius minds such as DaVinci, Darwin, Einstein, Galileo, Edison, and Ford. Learn how to develop the intuitive side of your mind using the tarot cards. Vincent Pitisci is a lifelong student of metaphysics and mysticism since early childhood, having been raised by parents who were members of the Theosophical Society. Reading cards has been in his family for generations. His classes are light and humorous, yet deep with a solid understanding of the Universal Principles behind these curious cards. Guests $100 Members $80 |
Wednesdays, September 15, 22, 29, October 6 Living Theosophy |
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Using Theosophical texts including the newly published Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom: A Commentary on The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, by Joy Mills, Pablo Sender will lead a series of 40-minute lectures on Theosophical subjects, including its bearing on our daily life and spiritual practice. The lectures will be Webcast and also made available online at the Media Library. A related blog will contain posted discussion questions and provide an opportunity for further discussion. Pablo Sender, Ph.D., in microbiology, is a member of the Theosophical Society in Argentina since 1996. Dr. Sender has given lectures and held classes and seminars on Theosophical subjects including The Secret Doctrine, and published articles in English and Spanish in Theosophical journals. Learn more at his Web site: http://pasender.tripod.com/index.html. Suggested $5 donation per session. |
Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Theosophical Study Group |
Wednesdays, September 23, October 7 and 21, November 4 and18, December 2 and 16, 7:30 p.m. Therapeutic Touch Practice Circle |
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Wednesdays, 6:00-6:45 p.m. Theosophy in Silence |
No charge. Donations welcome. |
Saturdays, September 18–December 18, (13 classes), 11 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Hatha Yoga |
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Relax your body, mind, and spirit while you enjoy the extraordinary health benefits of yoga designed to help the body rejuvenate and strengthen itself. Ellen Duff is a graduate of the White Lotus Foundation teacher training. $120 guests (prepaid, or $12 per class) $100 members |
Saturday Chess, 10 a.m.–noon Knights in the Morning |
Saturdays, September 18-October 23, (6 weeks) 2:30-4:00 p.m. The Essentials of Buddhism in Plain English  |
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The teachings of the Buddha generally referred to as Buddhism, have inspired millions of people for over two thousand years. These profound insights of a fully enlightened person remain vibrant, relevant, and practical today, and offer a realistic path by which we may achieve peace and wisdom. This course invites you to explore this path with a reflective approach that encourages inquiry and discussion. John Cianciosi is author of The Meditative Path (Quest Books, 2001.) and a student of the late Venerable Ajahn Chah. Ordained a Buddhist monk in 1972, he served as spiritual director of monasteries in Thailand and Australia. John also is adjunct professor at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. |
Third Saturday of the month 2-4 p.m. Order of the Roundtable |
Henry S. Olcott Memorial Library Hours:
Tuesday–Saturday, 9 am–12, 1 pm–5 pm
Tuesday–Thursday, 6:30 pm–8 pm
(September – May)
Sunday & Monday - Closed
Quest Book Shop hours: Monday–Friday 10-8; Saturday 10-5; Sunday 1-5
Phone: 630-665-0123