The Theosophical Society is pleased to be able to offer these programs for free MP3 download. They represent a variety of topics and points of view from various Theosophical speakers, both past and present. The opinions expressed therein are solely those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the Theosophical Society.


If you enjoy this service, your donation would greatly be appreciated. Thank you!



To Download MP3 files:

Windows Users:

  1. Right click on download icon and select "Save target as...".
  2. Select destination folder.
  3. Click on "Save" button.

Mac Users:

  1. Hold down Ctrl button and use mouse to click on MP3 icon.
  2. Select "Download Linked File As..." .
  3. Save file to desired location.
  4. Open iTunes.
  5. Under "File" select "import" and choose file.
  6. Open the downloaded file and enjoy!